Monday, March 05, 2007

Poodles Love Spring Weather

Other weekend garden tasks -
The 'winter sow' letttuce didn't come up. So I replanted the container with cilantro.
The Chinese Apricot was planted (from Lowes, "Prunus armeniaca "Chinese").
Picked up a back of used coffee grounds from Starbucks.
That's about all.
Interesting web site on gardening by nature's signs: phenology. This will be a topic to develop.
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Sunday, March 04, 2007

Harbingers of Spring. Chinese chives. Asparagus. Anigozanthos #3

These were planted about 3 years ago. Each cluster was one bulb. I keep thinking of the old Carly Simon song, "Anticipation".
The Chines chives are one of the first plants to start growing. They are also one of the first to produce an edible crop in the Spring. I did have some scallions today from a multiplier onion.
Despite the problem of not enough space, I planted some asparagus today. This was a tomato patch this year, but the tomatoes did not do well in this location. The asparagus should at least provide some wispy greenery, and maybe some vegetables in 2 or 3 years.
It's a good thing that I dont drink or gamble. Here is another anigozanthos. The purpose of the trip to Lowe's was to buy new light fixtures for the bathroom project. That led to a stroll into the garden section. This (variety "Kanga red") and a Chinese apricot (for Ning, it was planted in a too-small location but with pruning might do OK) were the result.
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Saturday, March 03, 2007

Early Spring. No Daffodil blossoms yet.

Today was beatiful, into the 50s. The bathroom remodel took most of my "spare" time. Can't soak into the tub until there is a fully installed to soak in. Today I framed the new wall, with the exception of the supports for the pedestal sink.

In the yard -

No fruit or bulb blossoms yet. The lilac buds are swelling. The daffodils had nice fat buds, just not in bloom yet.

I planted a lily bulb the size of an artichoke. It was purchased last week at the yard and garden show. I forgot to record the variety - an "orienpet" which was listed as being very fragrant.

Hedychiums were planted in potting soil and will be kept in a cool room until they start to grow.

Some Zantedeschias were added to the borders.

That's about all for today.
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Weather Statistics February 2007

There were 23 days with at least a few drops of precipitation.
Total precipitation for the month was 7.7 inches.
Two days had less than 0.05 inches.
High temperature was 60 F
Low temperature was 20 F
There were 2 days with snow, but no ground coverage of snow on either day.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Monday, February 26, 2007

Anigozanthos2. Portland Garden Show.

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Yesterday Ning & I went to the Portland Garden show. Lots of booths. Many of them (most?) of course, more about grills and hot tubs and decks than about gardening. Not really complaining - this is a business convention center and hippies in torn jeans are not going to finance a big garden show. It was fun to look at the booths. I did my part to support the venders, buying this Anigozanthos ("Kanga", burgundy) and a tuber for a hardy Ginger (Hedychium "Pink Flame", claiming to have the fragrance of apricot jam). I grew a hardy ginger a few years ago, but gave up after 3 years without a blossom. We'll see how this one does.

It's supposed to snow tonight. Will post if it does.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

More Random Thoughts. Rambling on roses.

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In the previous entries on global warming, I commented about how gardening influences our attitudes about nature, and the importance of feeling connected to the rhythms of nature by gardening. The thoughts today will be about working with the local climate and growing conditions. The example will be roses (because that is where my rambling mind drifted).

When we first started gardening here, we planted a series of rose bushes in the front yard. The soil was compacted, rock-hard clay. The roses were big-box store Hybrid Teas. It was summer. We dug big holes, soaking the ground, digging, soaking, digging. We mixed compost into the clay and added it back around the roses. The roses were watered frequently, and given some rose-food granules. They grew rapidly. Blossoms, black-spot and aphids ensued.

More watering, more fertilizers, more aphids and black spot, more sprays. Not a lot of flowers, although some were big, classic Hybrid Tea blossoms. Ultimately, it didn't seem worth the trouble, and other gardening priorities took over.

I became uncomfortable with this methodology. First, it wasn't very rewarding. The blossoms were not that spectacular, not that many, and they faded quickly. Second, I wanted to grow more edible items, and the idea of eating rose-poisons in my tomatoes wasn't appealing. Third, it seemed too much like work, and not enough like fun.

The roses started to take then 'back burner' as the rest of the yard filled with kitchen-garden plants, trees, and shrubs. Other ornamentals were added. We experimented with David Austin roses and other varieties that were thought to be less chemical-intensive. We started cuttings from rose bushes that seemed to do well locally. We quit the chemicals, went organic, started mulcing and composting, and drastically cut back on the watering. Some varieties died and were not replaced. Others looked so bad, or performed so poorly, that I dug them up.

Others have persisted, and they actually looked better than they did with the fertilizers and chemicals. The blossoms were not as big, but they seemed to last longer. There was less black spot, and fewer aphids. They have been much less work.

I think, that what happened, was an evolution, both for the roses, and for me, in adapting to the local conditions and the inherent capablities of each plant. The ones that were better adapted to this climate and growing conditions, remained. They used less resources, including watering. They required no chemicals, because the chemical-requiring ones either died or were removed.

The result now is a less picture-perfect, but better adapted rose bed. There are still quite a few rose bushes, and I enjoy them more.

This entry is the result of rambling. The photo is a retaining wall, built from a pile of broken-up driveway down the street 2 years ago. I was going to write about reusing local materials, and using locally adapted plants, like the mosses on the stones. I rambled instead into the roses, but left the photo anyway.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

More Fig Cuttings. Bulbs & seeds.

On the gardenweb fig forum, there are a couple of postings (and here)about starting fig cuttings by wrapping them in moist paper towels and placing them into a zip-lock bag. So I decided to try that, starting now, with the remaining Desert King cuttings.
After my "eloquent" discussion earlier today about the joys of "non-consumerist gardening", and how wonderful it is to grow plants from starts rather than purchasing them... Here are some purchases today from Portland Nursery. :) At least I don't claim to be "environmentalist fundamentalist" here. Posted by Picasa

Harbingers of Spring

Daffodils are twice as big as last week.
Ning's garlic sprouts are growing quickly.
Desert King Fig cuttings. Buds have formed. Roots take longer so they need special care.They are in a South window, inside a plastic zip-loc bag, partially open.
The radishes have germinated.
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