Friday, April 12, 2024

I Found A Clematis. Time for TLC. 12 Apr 24.

 This was sort of an opps but sort of a discovery.  I asked for some help, planting the hardy kiwi vine, against the fence.  I told my helper to choose a spot, which turned out to be where there had been a dead clematis vine.


The roots were still there.  Here they are.  Guess what?  The roots have a living white center and green  cambium layer under the bark!  They are fleshy and flexible, not brittle like dead roots!

OK, time for some TLC.  I potted it up, using fresh potting soil.  Watered thoroughly.  Now see what happens.

An aside, that area is the duck yard.  And rose garden.  It's great for growing lots of things, but filled with  native (not Himalayan) blackberry.  Which makes doing anything, even walking, much more difficult.  I think all I can do is pull it out by hand, and try to dig out any roots, then be vigilant.

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