Wednesday, June 30, 2021

More Heatwave. 6.29.2021

During the past few days, it got even hotter. Yesterday was not as bad. The max was 115 for 2 days in a row, in the shade. The deck was hotter. I think at least half of the apples are sunburnt, maybe more. Those will not be usable. The first of the blackberries are destroyed. Some of the young growth on apples is dead but I think they will recover. Lots of other damage.


  1. Our blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and pawpaws some of fruits were damaged due to the heatwave this year. WE just picked the damage ones off and try to let the others that were unaffected ripen properly.

  2. Kim I hope the rest if your crops do well and your plants recover. Growing things, there is always something. It helps to have a diverse garden.
