Monday, July 05, 2021

Knee High by the 4th of July. Sweetcorn. 7.5.2021

My dad used to say the sweetcorn should be knee high by the 4th of July. That was easier back in corn growing country, in Illinois. Here in the Maritime Pacific NW it's more of a surprise. This yearm Spring was early and warm, and we had that hot spell. This variety is "Trinity", an SE+ typecthat stays sweeter, is earlier, and the seeds are a bit more tolerant of cooler soils. It is also less tall, and the ears are a bit smaller that later varieties. I planted earlier in May than In most years, because it was so warm.


  1. We had potatoes out of our garden for July 4 but our peas did not develop. Potatoes and peas were my family's tradition for dinner.

  2. Hi Joan, Thanks for the nice comment. So far, this is a great garden year despite that hot spell.
