Sunday, July 04, 2021

Garden Update. 7.4.2021

Various updates from the Kitchen Garden Most of the squashes are blooming, at least male flowers. Red Kuri squash also has setting fruit. This is a male flower from Pink Banana Squash.
We got the July 4th tomatoes I wanted. Just three cherry tomatoes, but it's symbolic. These are Sugar Rush. To be honest, they are not as good as Supersweet 1000 or Sungold, but still, real cherry tomato flavor for July 4th. Also, a taste of Fallgold raspberries, from plants I planted this Spring. Pretty good to get a taste the first year.
The pickle cukes have taken off and are growing like gangbusters. The best growth is the group from home saved seeds. Too bad I don't know which variety or even if it was open pollinated or hybrid. The male flowers are puny but maybe good enough?
The red currant plant had enough currants to make a jar of jam. The plant produced even though it's in the shade of an apple tree.

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