Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Planting An Air Layer - Started Fig Tree. 27 Aug 24.

 Here is one of the Lattarula fig tree air layers, that I cut off from the main tree exactly one month ago.

Roots have been emerging from the bottom water drainage holes.

I decided to plant it in the fig tree in the fig tree border.  The reason is, the parent Lattarula tree is close to the house, and I eventually want to remove it.  Lattarula is my most productive variety,  big juicy, sweet figs.  By air layering starts and planting in the fig border, I can save it.

I selected the spot where I want it, dug a hole, and poured in a bucket of water.  Then removed the tree from its pot.

Lots of good roots!  This is only 30 days after cutting the air layered branch from the tree!

I planted, and covered the soil with decomposed tree leaves.

Then a cylinder of fencing to protect from deer.

It will need a hardware cloth sleeve for protection from voles this winter. Basically, it's planted and ready for its new life.  I won't fertilize until next Spring, because I don't want new, tender top growth now before winter arrives.

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