Saturday, August 03, 2024

David Austin Roses In Containers. 3 Aug 24

 The patio David Austin Roses are doing very nice, in their first year.  I need to dead-head pretty often.  From top to bottom, Bring Me Sunshine (with a honeybee), Boscobel, and Darcy Bussell.   They are making another splash of new buds now, too.

Two are in the vegetable / fruit garden, less ideal due to being shaded by the peach tree, and I don't pamper them as much.  Below, Vanessa Bell.

Not including Silas Marner here, only a couple of flowers.  

This winter, I might remove these two from these containers and pot up same as the previous three, in potting soil and on wheels, for the patio.  Especially Vanessa Bell, which has the best (myrrh) fragrance.  That's a lot of container roses.  I don't know.  Plus there's a rooted cutting from a fragrant old rose, unknown ID.

So far the container roses don't have strong fragrance.  I get faint myrrh from Bring Me Sunshine and fainter old-rose from Boscobel.  Maybe it's the growing conditions?

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