Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Ozark Beauty Strawberries In Containers. 20 Aug 24.

 I bought these, bare root, from an Amazon seller, in February.  Previous post.

I planted them in patio containers.  All of the plants grew.

I cut off all flowers until about mid June.  I gave them a dose of miracle grow for acid loving plants.  That seemed to stimulate them too much, so I waited a month and gave some diluted bloom food to stimulate flower production.

I cut off all of the runners when I see them.

These are a big juicy strawberry.  Very flavorful.  They are produced gradually, not all at the same time.

I think I planted too many in each container.  This fall, I might try to thin them by 50%.

The other deck container is celosia.    I think, Plumosa Glorious dwarf mix from Baker Creek Seeds.

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