Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Overwintering Pepper Plants. Update. 11.29.22

 Here are the pepper plants so far.  We are at just over one month now.   No more fungus gnats, aphids, or any other visible insects.  They were becoming noticeably light (dry) so I gave each a cup of water.  Not enough to run out the bottom.

Tabasco.  I'm not aiming for any growth, bit this one has the most and largest new shoots so far.


Early Jalapeño.  A few small new shoots.  Basically dormant.

Cayenne.  Quite a few small shoots.

Banana.  No much going on here.  Still green, which seems like a good thing.

Thai Dragon.  I left the leaves on for ripening peppers.  I thought they might die and fall off.  So far they are still there.  No insect problems, so I'm leaving them alone.

These are all in a south facing window, in a cool (usually 50s F) room.

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