Rehydrated El Dorado peach seeds. 7.30.15 |
When I cracked open the El Dorado peach pits, the seeds looked like tiny dried out potato chips. I soaked them for 2 days in water. Now they are plump and heavy.
I don't know if they are viable.
Now they go into the fridge in a wet paper towel.
Seedling genetic dwarf peach trees, 3rd year. 7.30.15 |
This is the 3rd year for the seedling genetic dwarf peaches. I don't know the source variety - either Sungold or Honey Babe. They were in-ground the first and 2nd years. Last fall I transplanted them into containers and kept under cover for the winter. The foil reflects light from the black nursery pots to keep them from overheating.
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