Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Cowlitz Peach. A work in progress. 4.24.19

Possible peach formation.  4.24.19
This is the seedling peach tree, now roughly 4 years old, from Oregon Curl Free Peach.  For brevity, I tentatively labeled it "Cowlitz Peach" for its provenance in this area.

Most of the flowers are gone.  I thought that none had set fruit, but it looks like there may be some peaches on this tree.  Hard to say from the flower remnants, so it's still up in the air.

One thing I can say, is in its 4 years of life so far, there is no leaf curl at all.  It's still a work in progress, but this is a promising result so far.
Cowlitz Peach.  No leaf curl.  4.24.19


  1. This is very exciting. A curl free peach! I want be in line for scion wood if it ends up being tasty.

    1. Checking it today, I did see a couple of shoots with some curl, but far, far less than on my Frost and Charlotte trees. Still, maybe it takes awhile for the disease to establish in a new location? We will see. The peaches are developing, so that is nice.

  2. If it also is free of canker, and the peaches are at least palatable, count me in too!

  3. Hi Daniel,

    we are a group of people from Spain looking for curl free peaches, and I've found your great blog. Is there any way to contact you to share experiences?

    Good luck with your Cowlitz Peach.
