Monday, April 01, 2019

Big Box Store Peonies. 4.1.19

I bought these Peony roots today at Home Depot. I actually love shopping there, but like the Dahlia tubers that I just posted on (from other chain stores), these peonies area pretty picture with a hopeful thought.

Of the two, the Itoh peony root was in better shape.  The roots looked reasonably firm, and there were several viable looking buds.  Of the herbaceous (Sara Bernhardt) peonies, one looked viable, with a somewhat thick root and a couple of buds.  The other was so dried out and hard, I dont think it has a chance.  I couldn't tell which way was up - really a poor specimen.  Still, I planted them all.  I also included some organic vegetable fertilizer in the soil.

These are OK for the gardener who loves a challenge, who is willing to wait possibly several, even many, years for the first blossom, and who is willing to give TLC along the way.  But they are not worth the price and garden space if one wants something healthy, vigorous, and likely to bloom in a year or two.

We'll see!

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