Friday, November 05, 2021

Saving Seeds. 11.5.2021

 For dry seeds - seeds that naturally have a dry seed head, such as onions, cilantro, marigolds - I collect the seed flower heads and save them in a brown paper lunch bag.  I let them dry a couple of months.  Then I reach into the bag, crush them with my hand, and remove the big dry stems.  I place them on a plate, and for seeds with light chaff, I take them outside, swirl them around and blow away the chaff.  Some need to have the flower petals hand picked off - marigolds.

I processed most of the dry seed heads today.

Lettuce, black seeded Simpson.

Sweet basil. I grew these plants from saved seeds from last year.

Lettuce Leaf Basil. Open pollinated so the shape might not be true but the flavor should still be very good.
Cilantro. The seeds are actually coriander, which is nice in chili.
A pink four o'clock. I also have mixed seeds and a yellow four o'clock from last year.
I also processed marigold seeds. 

 Last winter, I bought a grocery store shallot and planted it. It bloomed, so I collected the seeds. It's probably a hybrid, so maybe not a great idea but might grow some anyway.
All of these went into envelopes made from mailings or paper bags.

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