Monday, November 08, 2021

Raised Bed Update. 11.8.2021

 Here is the first of the new raised beds, so far.  Today I spread a thin dusting of lime on the previous fill of soil, which is about nine inches from the final surface level.  Also compost and some leaves.  I wont be able to mix the contents, so it's sort of a "lasagna" soil building.  Then I added another approx four inches of soil from the raised bed that I have to tear out due to mole damage and falling over.  A dusting of ashes, then will add the final topsoil layer, also from that bed.  There are lots of earthworms so I know they will be tunneling through and mixing it up nicely.

In his book about Gardening West of the Cascades, Steve Solomon recommends building soil via a cover crop of garden peas. Their roots grow deeply, and the plants enrich the soil. Garden peas can be planted very early. My current though is, around late February or early March, plant the raised beds with peas. If they grow quickly and we get a harvest, great. Otherwise, at tomato planting time in late May I can pull them out and feed the plants to the chickens. The idea is to get the soil building benefit, more than the peas.

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