Monday, March 08, 2021

New Apple Tree. 03.08.2021

 Last year I accidentally bought two Redlove™ Odysso™ apple trees, because I am a space cadet.   One has found a new home, so there is a space there for a different tree.  Even though I have something else for that spot, I've been thinking about adding a Honeycrisp to train as Espalier.  Today we made a trip to Tsugawa Nursery (wearing masks, although it was outside), and I sorted through all of their Honeycrisp trees.  They had some on the highly dwarfing MM27 rootstock, but I think that is too dwarfing for Honeycrisp, having done it before (although M27, not MM27).  They also had some on a "semidwarf" rootstock, not labeled.  I opted for that.  I think that will work out OK, given that in my hands Honeycrisp is low vigor and I will be training the branches horizontally and summer pruning for Espalier.  I looked through the trees and found one that I think is a reasonable subject for Espalier.  

That's the big tree on the left.  Since no trip to Tsugawa can be made without getting more, there is a camellia, two Japanese maples for my helper, a hardy fuschia, and some pansies in the group.  Plus Tsugawa gives a Veteran's discount, so I want to support them.  My helper will plant the Honeycrisp in a day or two, when there is a chance to bare-root it, then I can do preliminary Espalier training.

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