Sunday, August 31, 2014

Second Potato Harvest. 8.31.14

Potato Harvest, Wishing Well #1.  8.31.14

Potato Harvest.  Wishing Well #2.  8.31.14

Planting potatoes.  Wishing Well #1.  3.7.14
 Here is today's potato harvest, from wishing well #1 and #2.  I already harvested wishing well #3 maybe a month ago, and one more remains.

Pretty good yield.  I wondered if I could do better.  One is a mix of red and white, the other is all red.

I'm happy with the yield, and quality.  A few small ones might be good for next year's seed potatoes, or I could buy  new ones.

The wishing wells tended to dry out on hot days.  They might do better if I paint the outside white, or add reflective material, or have deeper soil.  I think the deeper soil will be a good start.
Potato Wishing Well #1.  4.27.14

Potato Wishing Well #1.  6.21.14
These are Pontiac Red and White Superior.


  1. There is not enough space for my potato. I think the white and red ones have pretty good yield. Have you tried the purple ones? They are great except very low yield compared to the rest.

  2. I have not tried the purple ones. I like the white and red so much, I am reluctant to try the purple! This method only takes a few square feet. It's almost the same as growing in a container. Maybe some day you will have room.

  3. Hundreds of orchids in containers. Not counting the 50+ rose cuttings in small pots. I eat more potatoes then I can grow them fast enough.
    The yellow fingerings is really creamy too like eating butter. I've gone verticals, anything that can do nicely in a shelf I've already stack them high. I do have some potatoes lying around they fend for themselves and self-sow. The only work I do is harvest them.

  4. Potatoes are surprisingly rewarding that way! We have some areas that have not been planted in several years, but always miss a couple and the next year, more potatoes.
