Sunday, October 10, 2021

Planting Some Pawpaw Starts. 10.10.21

A few years ago, I planted some pawpaw seeds. Quite a few sprouted. I didn't take good care of them. The plants got eaten by deer, knocked over, dried out. This year I repotted the survivors, then they were subjected to 114 F heat. This was the "Squid Games" of pawpaw trees. Also, there was one in the orchard whose top had died. Sprouts came up from the bottom, but someone mowed over them. Then new sprouts grew through the hardware cloth vole protector, which tore the sprouts when I removed the mesh. I dug that up and now there is a handsome young aspen tree in its place. Today I planted two of the surviving seedlings, and the abused transplant, in a shadier spot in the apple tree mini orchard. If they survive, I want to pamper them next yea with lots of water and  fertilizer. Here is the better looking of the group. It was watered more than the others, because I had it in my baby Forsythia nursery. I don't know why the others weren't there too. Here is a blurry version of one of the others. It's not fair that the other one got better treatment, but unfairness is central to the Squid Game, even if you are a pawpaw.

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