Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Forsythia in bloom. 3.10.15

Forsythia.  3.10.15


  1. Wow, forsythia brings back memories from back east. Have not seen any in SF. But on my way home on Mon I saw that familiar twiggy bush, could it be? I've always thought that SF didn't have the chill hrs to make them bloom. I look forward to them at the farmer's market where they sell them around Chinese new year with the flowering quince. So I'm going to start some cuttings and hope they will grow into a nice bush for me. My daffodils and freesias are blooming and lilies sprouted. I also bough some lilies and dahlia on an impulse since there are multiples from one varieties, I will spread them amount friends for insurance purposes if mine fail my lot, I'll go beg them for the off sets. Last yr at the community garden our prized dahlia was stolen but my insurance plan works out and there's another tuber tugging away at my friend's house. All is not lost and we were very grateful for those small things in life. Its better to have a tragedy follow by happy endings.

  2. Lance I agree with you. It's good to have a backup plan or insurance, too. I am always taking cuttings and sticking them into the ground somewhere. I guess that is my backup plan. That forsythia was completely free - cutting picked up on the street after someone hauled away trimmmings of their own bush. The original bush is long gone now, so this is "son of forsythia".

    You will have lots of color and elegant blooms from your dahlias and lilies.


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