Friday, March 05, 2021

Planting Onion and Shallot Seedlings Outside, Early. 3.5.2021

 It might be too early, but I planted some of the onion and shallot seedlings outside in the raised bed.  Given the gentle weather, overcast sky and predicted rain, I did not try to acclimate them to outdoors first.  This cleared some space on the seedling stand for additional plantings.  

The NY Early onion seedlings look fairly sturdy.  The shallot seedlings appear more delicate.  It might be early, but since winter onions and onion sets are starting to grow, I think these will be OK too.

I overdid the garlic and onions.  I need to decide on space for the other seedlings.  The other raised bed is reserved for peppers and pickle cucumbers.

Crocus. 3.5.2021

 Not much else blooming.  A crocus is a welcome sight.  Most of the little fruit trees are surrounded by various bulbs.  My hypothesis is that these bulbs might be bitter or toxic, so deter tunneling subterranean animals from damaging the young fruit tree roots.  I don't know that it actually helps.  I do like the cheerful flowers.

Monday, March 01, 2021

Kitchen Garden Starts, Potatoes and others. 3.1.2021

 Today I sorted through some of the potatoes that I stored in the garage from last summer.  It was cool and dark, and most of the sprouts don't seem excessive.  They were a mix of types, difficult to recognize.  I usually don't regrow from my own garden, preferring inspected, certified starts.  However, I plant in a different spot each year.  I did not notice any scab or rotting diseases.  There was no significant fusarium wilt.  So I will take a chance.  Last year, I also planted some sprouted home grown and grocery potatoes, and those did fine.

Most looked like the small ones on the right.  I cut up the big potatoes, a yellow flesh type, and sat them in the sunroom for the wounds to dry out.  They can be planted in a week.   If the sprout is a little long, I lay it horizontal or remove it to give the shorter ones a better chance.

Cut potato chunks sitting in the sunroom, with the cut edges drying.  These are yellow flesh, although not necessarily Yukon Gold.  Last year, I had some sprouted yellow potatoes that were from the grocery store, so grew them.  These might be descended from those, or from potatoes that grew on their own in the compost pile.

I also bought some actual tomato seeds ("True Potato Seeds",  TPS) - real seeds, not cut up tubers.  Those are not easy to find.  The variety is Clancy hybrid, an AAS winner.  It's not possible to predict how they will do, and while I have my doubts, it is always interesting to try new things. 

Clancy Potato seedlings.  So far germination is about 30%, which is OK.  Some might germinate later.  It's only been about a week since I planted them, so not too bad.

The marigold photo I forgot to upload yesterday.  Four cells are from the Volunteer French Marigold, and 2 cells are from the Volunteer Yellow Cherry Tomato.  So these are the "Volunteer's Offspring".


And one of the tomato six packs.  All of the tomato varieties have germinated.  It's the start of a good gardening year.

Last fall I saved flower heads from chives.  Even though they are perennial and last year's plant will return, I wanted to have some more.  Plus, growing new ones from seeds seems to result in more vigorous plants.  It's easy to separate the seeds.  I did the same thing as I did with basil, storing the flower heads upside down in a paper bag, then crushing them in my fingers to release the seeds, and using my fingers to remove most of the chaff.  A little chaff doesn't hurt anything.  Here are the germinating chive seedlings.  Also, about one week to germination.

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Seedling Progress Report. 2.28.2021

 The seeding mat was a bit too warm, with a brief period up to 100F earlier this week.  For most of the seeds, it does not seem to have hurt them and many are germinating earlier than expected.  Not all are growing yet.  So far, most of the tomatoes, the basil, and French marigolds are growing.  The marigolds were first.  The basil and marigolds were seeds I saved from my plants last fall, and the marigolds were from volunteer plant, so now 3rd generation in my garden.

Basil seedlings.  There are a "typical" basil - not one of the fancy big leaf or Thai varieties.  Last fall I cut off the seed heads, and stored them upside down in a brown paper bag in my home office.  Last week, I crushed the dry seed heads in my hands, transferred to a bowl, used my fingers to separate the chaff.  it was very easy to get a large amount of seed, and the process smelled very nice, like basil.

Tomato Seedlings.  Only two have not germinated yet, one of the Moskovic and the home saved volunteer yellow cherry tomato.

Marigold Seedlings - not pictured but similar to the tomato seedlings.  I still have the original plant, blooming in the sunroom.  It's a nice, reddish brown color with orange edges and centers, only about 9 inches tall after a year.


Plus, some of the earlier seedlings are doing very well so far.  First, the shallot seedlings are growing nicely.  Germination was poor, but the plants that did grow are doing well.  I also have a shallot bulb that I planted in the garden last fall.  It will be interesting to compare how they do.

 This container has peppers, on left is Banana pepper and with the reddish-leaf apple seedling is Thai pepper.  Those will get separated when I repot the apple plant.

More seedlings under LED lights.

Celery seedlings.  I planted them too thickly.  The seeds are tiny and I didn't know how good the germination would be.  I thinned them to a few per cell.  Probably thin to one or two per cell, later.

There are also storage onion seedlings and some of the peppers, eggplants, and apples, on the top shelf under the sunroom top window.

Nepenthesa and Dendrobium Hybrid Revival After Dry Dormancy. 2.28.2021

 I stored several of the Nepenthes and Dendrobium Orchids in a bright window in the garage for most of the winter.  I did not have the ability to keep them watered for a while.  This week I pruned off the dead leaves and rehydrated the growth medium.  So far they are looking good.  The leaf turgidity has returned and there may be some new growth initiation.  A few did not survive, but it's nice to know there are some I can keep in dry dormancy for a while.

Nepenthes sanguinium a week after removing dead leaves and rehydration.

A Yamamoto dendrobium and that Nepenthes after cleanup and rehydration.

Another, larger Yamamoto dendrobium, also stored dry dormant in the garage and reviving this week.