Bean Bed, 2 Weeks after Sowing. 8.8.15 |
It looks like about 1/2 of the beans germinated. If they reach maturity before frost, that's plenty. The big thing I want from the Chinese pole beans is enough seeds for next year. With 15 plants, if there are only 2 beans each, 4 seeds per bean, I'll have 120 seeds. If those germinate, it's more than enough. The big question is time.
There are about 15 Romas growing. I filled in with soaked bean seeds, in between. Regardless, if they bear, they are enough for one or 2 meals, for the 2 of us. Zero cost, since the seeds were old packets.
I'm letting the 1st bean patch go to seed. There is nothing to that other than watering the plants so they don't dry out and die too soon.
From the Kitchen Garden. 8.8.15 |
Elusive Pullets. 8.8.15 |
Lots of squash, zucchinis and summer squash. I'm less enthusiastic about the zucchinis than the other summer squash. They grow too big, too fast. The historic varieties are less like something steroid-induced.
The new pullets have been here a month. They are starting to look like hens now. I forget the age. They hang around together. Rooster is very protective. Won't let me near the pullets. When I feed them, he calls them to the food, then stands back while they eat. Which is his role. If they make baby chickens, they will be some kind of off-breed, which is fine.
Elusive Pullet. 8.8.15 |
Protective Rooster. 8.8.15 |