Saturday, October 27, 2012
Planning the garden for next year.
It's early. Way early. But with little more to harvest, and not much to plant, I'm thinking about next year.
My goals for vegetables next year:
Productive in a short season, cool summer, that I have in Maritime Pacific NW.
Vegetable crops that are amenable to saving seeds for future seasons.
What I'm thinking about so far:
Melon, Minnesota Midget ( The melons are quite small - 4 inches. Fine with me, less waste. They'll be like apples or other fruit. "Resistant to fusarium wilt. 60-75 days." That's a short season. The vines are short too, 3 feet long. I can grow under a frost protector for warmth. Will look for other choices in the 60-75 day range.
Watermelon, Blacktail Mountain. Also 6 to 12 pound melons. Developed by a northern Idaho gardener, where nights were in the 40s. 65-75 days.
Roma bush beans always do well for me. Seedsavers doesn't have them, but Territorial Seeds has them, and they are open pollinated. 59 days.
Probably a pole bean. I have old old packets of Chinese pole beans, will try to germinate them. If they don't grow, there are other choices to look for.
Red Burgundy Okra. Also fast, 55-60 days. I have not thought about growing okra - it's a warm climate crop - but in raised bed with row cover, planted late, maybe it's worth a try. Along with some chilis. Or Dwarf Green Long Pod at which is a compact plant: 24-30 inches tall, and 52 days. Compact size is good if plants need protection from deer.
Maybe I'll get some Pink Banana Squash for an out of the way corner in the sun. Long season, 105 days, but some nostalgia there and maybe they'll ripen in the fall soon enough to have for thanksgiving.
Chilis - thinking about cayenne, which always produces for me, and a small hot pepper such as Thai. Hungarian Banana peppers always do well for me too. Tabascos are late - might not be worth the effort. I don't know yet. This one looks good -Hot Portugal, 65-75 days. These from Territorial, Miniature Yellow Bell and Miniature Red Bell, both at 55 days. Tabascos from 90 days. That one's a long shot for me, but I have grown them before. Row cover / raised bed should help for all of the chili peppers. Hungarian Hot Wax also There is also Hungarian Sweet Pepper at 68 days. Not bad, might be better than the baby early bells.
I like yellow summer squash. There is Early Prolific Straightneck at 42 days. Same source, Dark Green Zucchini 50 days.
Those are my thoughts so far. Subject to complete change. This does not include tomatoes. Probably Supersweet-100, Sungold (hybrid but exceptions can be good), Better Boy, an Italian tomato, and a couple of heirlooms. More research needed there.
ANother melon that looks good, from Prescot Fond Blanc Melon. 70 days, but not clear on climate needs.
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