Sunday, December 08, 2013

4:00 's (Four O'clocks) Mirabilis jalapa

Mirabilis jalapa image from wikimedia commonsw

Miribilis jalapa image from wikimedia commons
Looking at catalogs for next year.

When I was about 10 years old, my neighbor, a widow I knew only as "Mrs. Winklejohn" had a big patch of "4 O'clocks" near her porch.    I remember she also grew a species oriental lily - something I grow now, and she had a parakeet.

I don't know what led me to think about these flowers again.  I grew them more than a decade ago.  I don't recall much about them then.

Mirabilis jalapa originates in Peru.  It's a tender perennial that is often grown as an annual.  They have a large root that can overwinter in mild climates, or be dug in colder climates and stored for next year.  Not that I have the energy to do that.

I found some 4 O'Clocks seeds on and ordered them.  Part of my effort to grow heritage flowers. 

4 O'Clocks are reported to be deer resistant.  I could not find info about rabbit resistant. 
Mirabilis jalapa historic illustration
They are considered an attractant for bees and hummingbirds.  They produce seeds that can be collected for next year, as well as the perennial roots.

I remember the flowers as being quite small - an inch or two.  In some illustrations, the flower in the illustration can be larger than the real item.

If they grow, these could be a nice addition to the bee garden.

Most articles mention the fragrance of these flowers, which open in the afternoon and evening, but not in the morning.

In China Mirabilis jalapa is called "the shower flower" or "the rice boiling flower".   

We'll see how they do.

Winter is a good time to study and reflect.

Mirabilis jalapa historic illustration 1765

More seeds for Kitchen garden and bee garden.

Another order,

Bean, Dragon's Tongue PKT

Bean, Pencil Pod Golden Wax PKT

Pepper, Hot Portugal PKT

Pepper, Maule's Red Hot PKT

Squash, Golden Zucchini OG

Tomato, Cherokee Purple OG

Tomato, Italian Heirloom PKT

Tomato, Mexico Midget OG PKT

Flower, Four O'Clocks PKT

Flower, Bee's Friend PKT

Flower, Starfire Signet PKT

Sunflower, Titan OG

Image from
All of these are in the "Master Plan".  The garden beds are planned and all but one are built and filled; that last one is built but needs a chicken-wire bottom for moles and to be filled.

The 4 O'clocks are reported as deer and rabbit resistant, and may be a bee forage flower.  Phaseala ("Bee's Friend") is considered a great forage source.  The signet marigolds will be used in companion planting for vegetables.

I have a lot of seeds from last year.  I may try some of those too. 

This helps keep me going until late winter when I can start planting.  Especially cold days like today.

Kitchen Garden Plan for 2014. Revised.

Kitchen Garden Plan for 2014
Here is the revised kitchen garden plan for 2014.  Same raised beds.  The main differences, bush beans were moved into one bed.  I'm accounting for some beds getting 2nd crops.  Again subject to change on whim.

Okra and eggplant are planted last.  Those beds could be used for a late winter / early spring crop as well.

Saturday, December 07, 2013

Even colder. 8° F predicted.

I wonder if any of the fig trees will survive?  And what else will be effected?  I read this is colder than the record in 1972.

Friday, December 06, 2013

About to have the coldest day in years.

According to the forecast, today's low will be 15 and tomorrow's low will be 12 

I would be concerned about the fig trees I nurtured through this year, but I'm too tired.  Whatever happens, happens.

I should be more concerned about faucets. 

The only other plants that I'm concerned about are the Buddleias, that I nurtured through their first year.  I read they can freeze down in the midwest, but then grow from the roots. 

Other plants could be affected.  May not know until Spring.

We'll see.



Hi  57°F
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Thursday, December 05, 2013

Bearded Iris Raised Beds Plan for 2014

Iris Bed #1.  Mostly historic varieties.

Iris Bed #2.  Mostly historic varieties.
 As with the kitchen garden beds, all of these are subject to change, including at whim.

Plus, these maps don't include the other bulbs, anemones, tiny ginkgo starts, and Chinese chives that I've planted in these beds.

These drawings include additions and subtractions planned for April, with 7 new plus 2 additional from Old House Gardens.  The 2 additional are on order to extend the Honorable and Flavescens, which didn't do well in 2013 but I like both.

Looking at them now, if I trade out Red Zinger and Red Hawk into bed #3, then Bed #1 will be entirely historic varieties.  I could replace Red Hawk with a tall variety, such as Immortality or Frost and Flame, and replace Red Hawk with a shorter variety, such as Mrs. George Darwin. 

Those trades would be after bloom season.

Then for bed #2, trade out Sunny Disposition for Accent, Los Coyotes for Immortality, and Owyhee Desert for Dauntless.
Iris Bed #3.  Mostly modern varieties
I'll have to see what that does with the colors. 

Another thought is eventually have one bed with the oldest historics, one with more recent ones, and one with moderns.  It's almost headed that way anyway.  Sort of.

That may be putting too much thought into it.  Plus the older ones don't have the color diversity of newer ones.

I already planned for next summer's addition, mainly Beverly Sills, a historic with vigor, fragrance, and clear flamingo pink.   Maybe also Amigo.  Depending on how I feel about Diety, that could go to the hedge row.  Romeo doesn't amount to much, so ditto.  The extra Edith Wolford bunch would be nice in the front yard.  Then I could move California Blue to Bed #2, and move a couple of favorite bunches from home to Bed #3.

Most will look much better when established as larger bunches, which may take a couple more years.

If I had to do it over, I would probably have ordered multiple rhizomes of some, to establish them faster.

Kitchen Garden Plan for 2014

Kitchen Garden Plan for 2014.

All raised beds are 4 foot by 8 foot, except the bed with Peppers.  That one is 2 foot by 8 foot.

Doubtless this plan will change significantly as I think about it, and on whim.

The Bush Bean / Eggplant bed was this years (1) winter onion and garlic and (2) melons.  The Okra bed is not yet constructed / filled.  The Shallots / Zucchini / Summer Squash bed was this year's tomato with a few okra and cucumber.  So I am working on crop rotations, no vegetable in a repeat raised bed, next year.  All beds save one are constructed and filled.  Two need weeding and a top dressing of compost.   The strawberries need weeding, removal of straw, addition of a compost top dressing, and  a different type of anti-rabbit anti-deer cage. The potato circle will be a 1/2 barrel or similar structure.

With construction of the okra bed, all intended raised beds will be built.   I'm happy to have the infrastructure in place and the soil environment becoming established.  If luck is with us, 2014 gardening will be much easier compared with 2012 and 2013.  And more productive.  Even though this year was very rewarding.

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Looking Back. June 1 2013

Heritage Iris Bed #1

Pallida variegata
Looking back at June 1 2013.  Most of the heritage irises and some off the others were blooming.  Most of the heritage irises were in their first season here, so had not established.  This gave me a chance to view the flowers.  I think in their second year most will have more flowers, and they will be larger.  I think some will be clusters of flowers, instead of one stalk per rhizome.

The colors are very impressive.

Looking back, I didn't realize the NOID was so brilliant yellow, and the NOID plicata was so beautiful.

Honorable vs. Sans Souci

Quaker Lady

 Gives me something to look forward to as we move into winter.
Iris flavescens

Iris pallida dalmatica

Pink Bubbles

NOID Yellow from Battleground WA

NOID plicata

NOID plicata

Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Can Okra be Grown in the Pacific Northwest?

Okra is one of my holy grail plants.  For some reason I just want to grow my own.  The frozen or canned stuff is not as good as fresh.  I did manage to get a few pods this year.  There is the start of a knowledge base to build on.   I also learned that my friend at work also grows okra.

 Okra seeds were planted 5/26 in raised bed.  The only variety I tried was Clemson Spineless.  I chose that variety due to its reported short season capability.  I also planted okra seeds in newspaper lined containers on 5/26.  Those germinated faster than the ones in the raised bed.

Okra seedlings 6/4

The ground was still fairly cool.  I did not take the temperature.  I should have.  It was warm enough for tomato plants, which I already had growing in this same raised bed.

I read that okra can't be transplanted.  That's not true at all.  The plants that I started in containers grew faster and more vigorous, compared to the ones planted directly in the ground.  The container-started ones were the only plants that bore pods for me.


This was the first flower.  The plant was about one foot tall.  The leaves look unhealthy - fungal or bacterial spots.

Below are other okra plants started at the same time, and a bit of a closer shot of the flower.  Behind it are ripening tomatoes.

The first pod was elongating on 8/24.

I harvested the first pods on 9/4.  I harvested a few more 1 and 2 weeks later.  After that the plants deteriorated in the cooler days and nights.

Lessons learned.

1.  They did better as container starts.  So plan to start that way again.

2.  Clemson may or may not be the most suitable variety.  So plan to trial several varieties next year.  Possibly also Clemson Spineless if I have seeds and if they keep a year.

3.  They need more warmth than I can get in the unprotected raised beds.  Use a row cover or poly tunnel, patterned after the rebar / PVC pipe method I used this year for other plants.  I should use a lower, removable version for easier access and more workable.  Place the cover at least a few weeks early to warm the soil, leave in place until days and nights are warm.  Replace it again in September when days and nights cool off.

4.  Take the soil temperature.

Okra Varieties to try 2014:

Baby Bubba  From Burpee, a hybrid, dwarf variety.  53 days.  Can be grown in containers as well - warmer soil.  3 to 4 feet tall.

Emerald Okra From Victory Seeds.  55 days.

Dwarf Green Long Pod Okra.  From Victory Seeds.  52 days.  Plant heights 24 to 30 inches tall, and reported to grow in Northern gardens.  I want the shorter size in case they do well, but need cover later in the season.

Clemson Spineless.  Again.  55 days, grow 3 to 5 feet tall.

The main info I find on okra, from multiple sites, is okra is fairly drought tolerant, but does not tolerate cold. One site discusses growing okra in Wisconsin.  From that site:  " In northern areas, start seeds indoors in peat pots several weeks before the soil warms up. Or direct seed through black plastic and cover the rows with plastic tunnels to hold in the heat. To hasten germination, soak seeds overnight in tepid water or freeze them to crack their coats. Sow seeds 1/2 to 1 inch deep, 3 to 4 inches apart. Set out transplants to stand 1 to 2 feet apart in rows 3 to 4 feet apart."

Link to "All about okra"  

Oregon State University suggests a plastic mulch and wind protection.  I can do that.  They also state "Night temperatures should be above 55 F for good growth.
Minimum soil temperature for germination is 60 F. Optimum soil temperature range is 75-90 F.

In addition, OSU article states:  " Sow seeds in 2-inch pots or cell-packs, 3 seeds per pot, 1/4 inch deep, 4-5 weeks ahead of transplanting. Thin to 1 plant per pot or cell."  So the not-transplanting info is not accurate.

On mulch, they state: "Black plastic mulch may increase soil temperatures, will control weeds, and conserve moisture, increasing yield and earliness... it is critical...the soil surface be smooth and...the plastic adhere to the soil surface. ...Clear plastic mulch is very effective at increasing soil temperature but does not control weeds."   Other plastics are discussed.  Black or clear aplastic mulch might help tomatoes and peppers too.  They discuss using row cover or other options for tunnels:  "...row covers may be used for 4-8 weeks immediately after transplanting...removed when plants begin to flower to permit proper pollination. Row covers can increase heat unit accumulation by 2-3 times over ambient...Soil temperatures and root growth can also be increased under row covers as are early yields, and in some cases total yields."

So with some research, and the raised bed infrastructure in place, I hope to have a better okra crop next year.

Sunday, December 01, 2013

Final Seed Order for 2014.

File:Ataman museum Lob 56.JPG
Wikimedia commons photo

It's only Dec 1.  I know how much room I have.  There's not much to do in the kitchen garden.  So I planned for late winter / spring.  Might have bitten off more than I can chew.  Seeds are easy to plant.  The raised beds are in place.
The squashes can go into the wild area, with some compost for food.  Worked for 2013 with Butternut and Zucchinis.  This way I can see which squashes work in my climate and yard.  If they all produce it will be some to give away.  The chickens like them and the orange pumpkin types might enrich the egg yolks.

This time from

Herb, Lettuce Leaf Basil

Herb, Flowering Chinese Leek

Swiss Chard, Five Color Silverbeet

Radish, French Breakfast

Radish, Cincinnati Market

Cucumber, Bushy

Cucumber, Japanese Climbing

Carrot, Paris Market

Carrot, Danvers

Melon, Noir des Carmes

Squash, Amish Pie

Squash, Golden Zucchin

Squash, Patisson Panaché Vert et Blanc

Squash, Winter Luxur

Squash, Waltham Butternut