Saturday, July 13, 2013

Novel Fig Morpholigies. Hardy Chicago.

 The Hardy Chicago has a number of oddly shaped figs this year.  Here are a few I found.  Probably no effect on taste, so I'll leave them on the tree to ripen.

Petite negri fig looks promising.

Petite negri
This may be the best crop yet from Petite negri fig.  The branches are loaded.  The quadripedal squirrel guard is standing guard.
Petite negri

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Rooting Refrigerated Fig Cuttings.

Celeste fig cuttings

Fig cuttings, paper towel / plastic bag method
I found these Celeste cuttings in the fridge.  Maybe there since March.   I don't need any more fig starts.  I don't know what I would do with more. 

Any way, I think I'll see if they grow.

I made one -inch incision in each of the small ones, and 3 1-inch incisions in the large cutting.

They were dipped 10 seconds each in dip'n'gro at 1:5 dilution.  Then wrapped in moist paper towel.

Now in plastic bag at room temp.

If they are going to grow, I should know in a couple of weeks.  Maybe 3 or 4 weeks.

TLC plants in bloom

Lavatera "Barnsley"

Lavatera "Barnsley".   Purchased 2 weeks ago, wilted and leaves curled.  Repotted, gave some TLC.  Still on deck.  Starting to bloom.  Should have a lot of flowers. 

With the heat, I'm watering these and the young fig trees daily.   A couple of months of that, and probably that's done.

This fall I can plant this one at the Batttleground place.  That will give it winter to establish roots, and will be mostly care-free next year.  Good plan to reduce effort.

The first of the Tigridias to bloom.  Dramatic.

Buddleia first flower

Buddleia hybrid "Blueberry Cobbler"
 Buddleia X "Blueberry Cobbler".  Sterile, noninvasive, compact, and legal.

First flower.  I've been nursing this plant since January.  It was a hold-over at Portland Nursery.

Most web pics are close up of the flower, without much context of the plant itself.  The color is difficult to photograph.  Many web pics crop off the flower tip.  It's better to show the entire flower.  And the plant for context.

Buddleia hybrid  "Blueberry Cobbler"
Very fragrant.

Unfortunately last weekend this plant blew off the deck.  It was light.  In a container, it dries out quickly.  The fall broke some stems.  Even so I'm happy with the result.  The broken stems will be better in the long run.  Pruning encourages bushiness.

Flower really is reminiscent of lilac.

I have one of the same variety, in-ground at the Battleground place.  It's about one week behind this containerized TLC plant.