Saturday, June 12, 2021
Raspberry Update. 6.12.2021
Sweetcorn Update. 6.12.2021
There was a lot of rain for the past couple of days. Before that I set up a lawn sprinkler to water the sweetcorn seedlings. I set out shallow plastric trays to measure, for an inch of artificial rain per watering, or just measure real rain. Today I fertilized and cultivated. The fertilizer was lawn nitrogen fertilizer, a couple of tablespoons per row. It's not organic but I have to compromise right now. This soil does not need mineral mix or organic matter in most organic feeds. Fish emulsion or Milorganite would work as well, but I don't want to buy anything right now. I fertilized the plantings that are a bit over a month old, not the just-germinated rows.
Back bed (larger plants) is Trinity, planted in early May. Front is the variety that I planted a week or so ago.
Tuesday, June 08, 2021
Repotting Pawpaw Seedlings. 6.8.2021
Orchids Cleaned Up, Keikis Planted, and All In Their Summer Home. 6.8.2021
Dividing and Repotting an Overcrowded Cymbidium. 6.8.2021
This is a beautiful yellow Cymbidium orchid, that has rebloomed for several winters. It did not during the most recent winter. I imagine that was due to overcrowding, but also maybe leaving it sit in the sun with no care during smoky season and other stuff. This is a very tough plant, can dry out like a cactus and it survives. I remembered watching a video a long time ago about dividing and repotting cymbidiums, and decided to divide it like the video I watched. I dont have a link to that.
Here is the plant. The center has died out with all of he growth on the fringes like a mediaeval monk's haircut.
I knocked the plant out of its container. Then I gave it an upside down butch haircut, leaving about 6 inches of roots. Then I used a pruning saw to cut through the clump, goving approximately equal halves. I pulled out any pseudobulbs that looked dead or that I transected, and shook out what old growth medium I could.Then I found another similar size container and potted both halves in arborist fir and arborvitae tree grindings. Then I gave them a good soak, then I watered each with 1/4 strength Miracle Gro for Tomatoes. These went to my orchid summer home, under a large fir tree with mainly eastern and southern exposures. I Will water them and fertilize throuhg the summer. I think they will probably grow, given past experience.