Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Walking around. 7.13.16

Mulberries "Illinois Everbearing".  7.13.16

Collard Greens "Vates".  7.13.16
 It's been raining more than usual for SW Washington summer.  As a result, there are more weeds and things are looking unkempt.  There is more humidity than usual, so I don't feel up to as much outside time.

Mulberries are looking great.  Great flavor.  I thought deer would eat the tree and birds would strip the berries, but neither has turned out to be the case.  Each day, I can stand under the tree and pull off berries and eat them on the spot.

The collards are growing vigorously.  Since the rain slugs have made their presence known.  I put out some more slug bait today.

The resurrected Chinese beans are growing rapidly.  Last week I put in a trellis system, with strings tied to sticks that are stuck into the soil.  Some of the beans have climbed 3 to 4 feet, others 1 foot.  I may need to add taller trellis, which is already a hybrid of Rube Goldberg and Davy Crockett.

As I clean up the front flower beds, the main flower that I will leave in place will be daylilies.  They are the most rewarding for least effort.

The Johnny Jump-Up (viola) plants, that I grew from seeds this spring, are blooming nicely.  They
Chinese Beans.  7.13.16
 can be expected to self-seed for future years.  This location can use the brightness.
Daylily "Strawberry Candy".  7.13.16

Daylily "Luxury Lace".  7.13.16
 Shasta daisies dominate the wildflower meadows now.

The pumpkins are ranging well beyond their garden beds.  This area of grass can go without mowing until fall.  There should be a good crop of pumpkins and winter squash this year.  Even the spaghetti squash are producing  many squashes - about 2 dozen squashes on 3 vines.

For pollinating cucurbits, I'm following the following rule.   Each is pollinated with its own species, so C. pepo gets C. pepo - that's zucchini, summer yellow squash, and spaghetti squash.  C. maxima gets C. maxima.  That's mostly Pink Spaghetti Squash, French Pumpkins, and Golias Pumpkin.  The only C. moshata is Butternut Squash.  They appear overrun by the bigger maximas, and so far I have not seen any blossoms or developing squashes on those.
Johnny Jump-Up from seed.  7.13.16
Shasta Daisies.  7.13.16

Pumpkin Patch.  7.13.16

Unknown Summer Apple. 7.13.16

Unkown Stripy Neighborhood Apple.  7.13.16

Stripy Apple.  7.13.16
 I ran across this apple tree while walking the dogs in my neighborhood.  It looks like a neglected tree.  Even so, it's covered with apples.  There were lots of apples on the street, most were smashed.  I picked one up from the street, washed it off, cut and tasted.  Sweet/sour with floral notes.

If I think if it this winter, I'll knock on the door and ask for some scion.  Doesn't look like they would mind.
Stripy Apple Tree.  7.13.16

Friday, July 08, 2016

Walking Around. 7.8.16

Daylily "Chicago Apache".   7.8.16
 This daylily was labeled only with the fertilizer name, "Vigaro".  Bought in 2015.
Daylily, no label.  7.8.16
 I kept thinking there was something odd about this daylily.  It has an extra petal. 
Daylily labeled as "Frans Hals".  7.8.16

Daylily "Ice Carnival".  7.8.16

Pumpkins.  7.8.16
 These tigridias were in a container.  I planted them into the ground to see if they survive the climate here.
Tigridia.  7.8.16

Blueberries.  7.8.16
 Apparently chickens don't eat chamomile.  That, and grass, are all that survive in the chicken yard.
Chamomile forest.  7.8.16
 This daylily was labeled as "Daring Deception".  It's nice, but it's not true to the name.
Daylily labeled as "Daring Deception".  7.8.16

Monday, July 04, 2016

Persimmon Status Report. 7.4.16

Persimmon Progress.  Saijo.  7.4.16

Persimmon Progress.  Nikita's Gift.  7.4.16
 There are about 7 persimmons developing on Saijo.  With the small number, I did not thin even the few that were close together.  They have a 4-lobe appearance, which surprises me.  I thought they would be ball-shaped.

I thinned some of Nikita's gift, although with only about 20 developing persimmons - after thinning -  I did leave some near the others.  On some branches, there were as many as 6, close together.  I thought that was too much competition for resources, and I want them to be as early, large, and sweet, as the leaves can support.

As for the chocolate persimmon grafts, the first is slowly progressing, still with a brownish - red coloration to the leaves.  The second needed several additional weeks to begin growth, but finally started.  So that means don't be too impatient.
Persimmon Graft.  "Chocolate Persimmon".  7.4.16

Persimmon Progress.  "Chocolate"  7.4.16

Daylilies, Buddleias, and Milkweeds. 7.4.16

Daylily "Fooled Me".  7.4.16

Daylily "Daring Deception" - may be atypical.  7.4.16

Daylily "Chicago Apache".  7.4.16

Daylily "Strawberry Candy".  7.4.16
This daylily is very pretty.  I moved it from the Vancouver place a few years ago, divided it, and divided it again.  I don't know the variety name.  It was purchased locally.

Daylily, unknown variety.  7.4.26

Honeybee, Milkweed Asclepias syriaca.  7.4.16
I grew these milkweeds from seeds last year.  They require at least one year to bloom.  Some have not bloomed yet.  They are very fragrant.  Honeybees like them.
Honeybee on milkweed.  7.4.16

Honeybee on milkweed.  7.4.16

Milkweed Asclepias syriaca.  7.4.16

Milkweed Asclepias syriaca.  7.4.16
These Buddleia "Peach Cobbler" are not as compact as marketed.  They are more like a tree than a shrub, about 18 feet tall in their 4th year.  They make a nice windbreak for the orchard.  The "Peaach Cobbler" variety is quite fragrant, as is the "Miss Ruby" Variety.  "Honeycomb" does not seem to have much of a scent.  The Western Swallowtail Butterflies like the fragrant Buddleias, and is about the only place where I see these butterflies.
Swallowtail Butterfly on Buddleia hybrid 'Peach Cobbler".  7.4.16
Buddleia hybrid "Honeycomb"