Saturday, January 25, 2014

Fig Cuttings. Progress Report. 1.25.14

1st Carini cutting to root.  Start 1-11-14.
 The Carini cuttings are rooting nicely.  At 13 days, I've potted the most rooted one in seed starting medium.  That cutting does not have visible bud swelling.  Could be a false start.  I will keep it in the warm indoor nursery, but not waste lighting space for it.

The other 2 Carini cuttings are making lots of root initials.  One has a approx 5mm long root.  Should be ready to move up into seed starting soil early next week.
Carini cuttings.  Start 1-11-14.

Hardy Chicago Cuttings.  Started 1-18-14
 I try to move into seed starting soil before the roots are long enough for my clumsy fingers to cause damage.

Those labels are becoming illegible.  They are laundry marker Sharpie on re-used plant labels.  I have some compostable disposable picnic knives saved from lunches at work.  They have more absorbent, rougher surface.  Will try one.  I don't know if it will compost itself in situ.  Doubt it.

MacOoL Cutting.  Started 12-24-14
 Hardy Chicago cuttings at 7 days.  Evidence of early root initials.  Buds look healthy.  I don't know if these start so fast because of the variety, or because the cuttings are fresh and haven't traveled through the mail.  Still, I expect about the same speed of growth as the Carinis.

MacOol may be capitalized incorrectly.  This cutting is via generous fig forum member.   Forum is figs4fun.  One of the nicest fora on the internet.

The 2 MacOol cuttings are now at 31 days.  There seem to be more root initials on this cutting.  It also appears to have buds.  The other, now in seed starting medium, is the terminal end.  More roots.  Unsure about the terminal bud.  MacOol was described as one of the best tasting figs of 2002.  Origin, fig collector in Pennsylvania (, cold hardy Syrian fig.  He specializes in family heritage, or ethnic figs that survive in the Pennsylvania climate.  Most offerings are via ebay.  I don't buy from ebay, waiting for him to offer some on his website.
Sicilian White Cuttings.  Started 1-11-14
The Sicilian White fig cuttings show root initials at 14 days.  One 1mm root.  There are round buds, good. 

There may be more than one type of "Sicilian White".  This was also offered by a fig forum member after I sent cuttings from Smith.  The ends were rough cut, and looked susceptible to fungal or bacterial infection, so I cut back with sharp pruners to fresh wood.  Now looking good.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Fig Cuttings. Progress Report. 1.23.14

These are the Carini fig cuttings at 12 days.  The small one in my hand has the most root, but no visible bud swelling, so far.  The others have good callous and root initials, and fat little buds.

Better to grow roots first, then leaves as opposed to leaves and long wait for roots.

Ning's coworker wants a light colored fig.  So yesterday I took cuttings from Lattarula.  That one is among the fastest to root and grow.  I started some last year and gave them all away.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

For Denny. 1.22.14

I remember, a long time ago, you told me about beekeeping.
vintage beekeeping
Image source:  Pinterest.  Vintage photo, French, 1920s.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Orchid Progress Report. Removing and potting a Keikei. Dendrobium in bloom. 1.21.14

keikei before removal

keikei with original stem removed
 This Yamamoto dendrobium had one keikei.  I've been meaning to cut it off and plant it.

Today I did.  It's larger than most of the keikeis I've started.

I cut below and above the attachment site.  I left a small piece of stem, rather than being perfectionist and possibly damaging the keikei.  I let it dry several hours.

Then planted in orchid bark.  Watered it in.  Now back into the window.

This is so easy.  This orchid is about as tough as a cactus.  It does not need a humidity chamber.

I tried not to damage roots but did damage a couple.  I think it will be OK.
Planted in orchid bark
Dendrobium in bloom
It needed to be propped up.  The rubber bands and clothes pin were all I had on hand.

The blooming dendrobium was pure white, with green center, when it bloomed before.  I think.  This time there is a pink blush.

I leave the old stems in the plant.  It looks more artistic that way.  It shows I've had the plant a while, not bought yesterday at the store.

This one survived a few months when I was sick.  Almost no care.. Left it outside, east side of house.  Brought it in before frost.  Tough plant.  I like it.

Fig Tree Progress Report. Pruning Freeze Kill. 1.21.14

Atreano Freeze-kill

Champagne Freeze-kill
Pruned off the freeze-kill from Atreano and Champagne.  It's obvious what's dead - the tops are soft, blackened, shriveled.

Further down, buds seem OK, round and firm.  The wood is firm, and the pith is white.  This wood looks alive.

It's not bad to prune the branches back, even without freeze-kill.  Makes the tree more bushy.  Might encourage brebas.  Not sure about that.

Still anxious to see if they grow.  I have more hope now than I did when we had that 8°F several days in one week.

There is also damage on other fig trees.  Smith looks especially concerning.  More, later