Saturday, June 04, 2011

Fig progress report.

So far the fig trees are looking great this year. Several are loaded with brebas. I can't complain.

King fig. This variety is considered breba-only, so if no brebas, no figs. I've kept it pruned as a bush, branching from ground level. If all of these develop into figs, I'll be very blessed. This tree may be benefiting from the Southern exposure.

Lattarula, also considered breba-predominant. I think this is the most it's ever had at this point. Ditto on the southern exposure comment.

Petite negri, a handful of brebas. It's always produced a few. Not a lot. Can't complain.

This Sal's deserves a permanent spot. I grew it from a cutting. The first year it didn't sprout so I left it in the tomato patch as a stick. The second year it grew, then a rogue chicken at it off. The third year it grew, and I left it in place. The 4th year I moved it into a pot, then forgot it and it dried out. The 5th year I left it out in the hard freeze - it was outside all winter, even in the coldest freeze. Here it is, still alive. It really does deserve a trial of actual horticulture instead of neglect and punishment.

Sal's fig again. Having been so inspired, I gave it a new container, about twice the volume of the prior container. The white color will keep the soil cooler. I also provided a dose of fish emulsion to promote growth. This year it will get the good treatment that it deserves.

I was surprised to discover that this neglected Petite negri fig, which I started a few years ago, was still alive. I was certain that it died in the big freeze, and never bothered to look or water it. I picked up the container to clean it out, and lo and behold there were swelling buds and a couple of leaves. I pulled out the weeds (pansies) and gave it some water, then a little fish emulsion. If I can find some potting soil, I'll pot it up as well.

Some more space to stretch?

Looking at this little cottage for a weekend retreat. There is more room for a mini orchard. I've been daydreaming about which trees to move there, this fig, that cherry, some grapevines I started by accident, the smallest and still moveable ginkgo tree, last of it's breed (the parent tree in Illinois was gone, when I looked last month).... That's even though it might still fall through. I'll try to leave uncounted these unhatched chickens, until they start to hatch. Oh, there are some other mulberry varieties I want to try, and some gage plums....

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Kitchen Garden. Potato and strawberry progress report.

Now we are in the season of rapid growth. Today I noticed the potatoes had grown more than a foot, so I covered the lower parts of the stems with about 6 to 9 inches of growth medium, to the upper edges of the barrels.

Potato barrel, they are growing fast. I may add some edging to raise the soil level a few more inches.

These are the older June bearing strawberries. They are blooming like crazy. That promises lots of good strawberries in a few weeks. Meanwhile, I removed the first sets of flowers from the ever bearing strawberry plants that I started in barrels this winter. Flower removal gives them a chance to produce a few more leaves before making strawberries, which should result in more and bigger strawberries later on.

Chickens, rhodendrons, cat.

We cut down about half of the timber bamboo today.  More sunlight for the chickens, and it was entirely too congested.  From that came about 20 really big bamboo poles.  Some are 12 feet long and 3 or 4 inches diameter.  They give nice shade to the hens, and the hens fertilize the bamboo.  We trimmed the leaves from the poles, they make great chicken straw.  Plus, unlike real straw, it's free.  The mud around the bamboo is now covered with about  inches of bamboo leaves too.  That will make for cleaner eggs.  The poles will go into the garage to cure for a year then who knows what use?

Two new residents in the Chicken bamboo plaza.  One of the older hens might retire soon.  No real plans, as long as they all get along.

Ning at the rhododendron garden in Portland.

Some of the bunches of rhodies are as big as my head.
At the Portland rhododendron garden today. Lovely place.

There are lots of ducks there too.

Back home again. Kitty Cat being a cat.

Friday, May 20, 2011

“I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry-rot. I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet. The function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.”  Jack London.  at the Woodland Cemetery Necropolis, Quincy Illinois.  This stone was one of my favorites, not only a "here I was" statement by the departed, but a message and an invitation to the visitor to rest his feet and enjoy the moment.