Sunday, June 22, 2008

Figs Progress Notes

So far this year the fig trees have had a difficult time. Early warm spell in late winter, then a hard freeze, then cold and wet, another warm spell, and the latest freeze in recorded record here. After a slow start, they lost the first leaves. Finally, there seems to be some growth and potential for late figs. At least they survived, and only one branch on one fig failed to grow.

Hardy Chicago. I'm not sure what caused the spots on the first leaves. The newer leaves don't have them. A couple of branches are at the 6-leaf stage, so I nipped out the terminal bud to encourage formation of figs. If the first leaves are very small, I didn't count them. If about 1/2 size, I did.

Lattarula. Very late start, None of the branches are at the 5-6 leaf stage yet, and many of the leaves are small. This tree suffered the most from the leaf drop.

Vancouver. This tree was the fastest to grow. About 1/3 of the branches are at the 5-6 leaf stage. The leaves are starting to grow out normal sized as well. There is one breba. This is the only tree with a remaining breba. That's not too much of a loss, since brebas have not been very successful anyway.

Petite negri. This tree had a number of brebas but they all fell off. Only a few branches are at the 6 leaf stage.

Desert King sapling, planted this winter. It is surrounded by bean plants, about the same size. Each branch is about 6 inches long, with multiple leaves, about 1/2 the size that I expect ultimately.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Bathroom project. Status report.

Framing and pocket door installation finished. None of this was as bad as I worried. The pocket door part was actually fairly easy. Here it is, 1/2 way open. I used the level about a zillion times to make sure that it was plumb.

Now the wall has wallboard. I waited for the inspector's OK (verbal) for this. I was tired of the bedroom feeling like a construction site. Not completely done (wait for the NEXT inspection) but now feels like a bedroom again. Actually makes the room feel bigger, for some reason.

The pocket door actually works. Amazing. Also amazing, I actually remembered to get 1 1/8" drywall screws, and they didnt go through the pocket door frame. All-in-all, this part worked out nicely.
The photo is a bit distorted - the posts are actually parallel and vertical. The city had sent me a threatening letter, stating get it inspected or get a big fine. So I got it inspected. The inspecter said that he couldn't renew the permit unless I did a couple more things, mainly improve the joist strength. I had installed 1 2X10; he said that I needed to pair them. So here it is. You cant see in the photo, but the 2X10 at the top is paired, and the posts are bolded into the concrete floor. Also, nat as difficult as I had worried, and I didn't crack or damage the floor. This basement room is looking strange now, but it want from ugly-finished to just ugly over the past few years. Someday, when everything else is done, maybe it will be another bedroom and these posts will be part of a clost door frame....

It's strange. For the other bathroom, the inspector signed off on the framing before I got wiring and plumbing installed. This one says I have to get wiring and plumbing first. Plus, the other one renewed the permit for me. This one says that I have to call the city (atually, in their letter, I think tha tthe the city said that the inspecter could do it - but now I cant find the letter).

Anyway, a bit of progress.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Ancient Palm Still Growing

Here is a link to the ancient Judean Date Palm that was grown from a 2000 year old seed. I can't post a photo becuse it is copyrighted.

Nice to see it is growing. Even if male, maybe it could be used as a pollen parent for new hybrids with modern varieties. Of course, what it most wanted is for it to be female. The it could be cloned and the actual dates would be Judean Dates, probably almost the same as the ancient varieties. My question now - if they can do DNA testing as noted in the article, then why don't they knoe if it is female? I understand gender in plant is different from animals, but still, it seems like DNA testing sould give an answer.

According to a wikipedia article, 2000 years ago there were thick forests of these palms along the Jordan River. The current date palms in Israel were imported from California, and originated in Iraq.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Brugmansia "status report"

This no-name brugmansia was taken out of the garage, cleaned up, and repotted 10 weeks ago. Not too promising then. I'll post again when it starts to bloom.

Click on the "brugmansia" tag below, to see what it looked like 10 weeks ago.

This brugmansia was a cutting, and I thought it might not survive the cheap+lazy method of drying out in the garage, so I kept in in a sunny window. It doubled in size during the winter. Now it's repotted and on the deck. The yellow leaves are a response to too much sun on the older leaves, but they'll soon be replaced by the newer, greener leaves.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Overwintered and other Geranium (Pelargonium)

Here are some of the overwintered geraniums (Pelargonium). The most successful and easiest approach was to have them in containers and just leave the containers dry out in the garage for the winter. This is the "cheap+lazy" method since it really doesnt entail much effort, and results in nice good-sized plants by early summer.

The variegated pelargonium was overwintered. It is just coming back into its own. The finely cut leaf pelargonium was just added. It is scented, citrus. The smaller flowers are sweet alyssum, probably coming up from seeds from ones that bloomed in the container last year.

So tell me, please - why do I need a peppermint scented pelargonium when I have peppermint-scented peppermint growing all over the place? Anyway, it does smell, strongly, like peppermint. This one is new, so is not an overwinter example.

This wals also overwintered as above. This one is pine scented and it smells very much like pine. The scent is stong. Cool. Each time that I walk past it, I pinch off some more and smell it. The dark purple leaves are part of a Tradescantia pallida. This did well in other containers, using the dry-for-the-winter system. I was also surprised to see one poking up in the strawberry border, surviving the winter in ground. That is probably a fluke, this is really a tender tropical plant.

This is another scented one. I forget the variety. It did not survive the totally dry method 2 winters ago - this was kept as a cutting over that winter. So this winter I kept it almost-dry in a cool sunny room. Also took a cutting, using the lazy-gardener's method of cut off a piece and stick into some potting soil and water like any other house plant. That worked too. I cleaned it up a bit, and stuck some cuttings in the ground or with other plants. If they grow, that's good. If not, nothing lost.

Just regular run-of-the-mill geraniums. The prior over-winter entries show how they looked coming out of the garage. 6 weeks ago the leaves were dry and crispy, and the stems didnt look much better. All that I did was clean them up and set them in a semi sunny location. Again, the lazy gardener's method of overwintering, and the cheap gardener's method of having some large geraniums for the deck. They'll be blooming soon.