Showing posts with label pawpaw pollination. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pawpaw pollination. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Pawpaws, Will They or Won't They?. 5.14.19

 These are clusters of pawpaws forming on the varieties NC-1 and Sunflower.  I can't say for certain which tree has more.  I've had tiny pawpaws fall off at this stage, but they are starting to look promising.

Of the maybe hundred flowers that I hand pollinated, maybe a dozen clusters are present and some of those might fall off.  If these all develop into fruit, that will be very cool, but I'm happy with just a few.  Maybe I'm doing it wrong, but I think you have to pollinate about ten times the number of flowers, as fruits that you hope will form.  Also, I don't know whether morning or evening is better, or if it matters. 

Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Pollinating Pawpaw Flowers. 5.1.19

Pawpaw Flowers.  5.1.19

Sunflower Pawpaw Tree in Bloom.  5.1.19
 Of my pawpaw trees, only NC-1 and Sunflower look ready to bear a crop of fruit this year, which they also did last year.  They are in early bloom, which stretches out for a week or two.

This time I noticed, the flowers don't open all the way when they are receptive to pollen.  It's difficult to get a pollen loaded paint brush into them.  When the pollen ripens, and the stigma is no longer receptive, then they are easier to access.

I will get a smaller paint brush for flowers today.

These trees are small enough that I have to get onto my knees to pollinate the lower flowers.  Maybe my neighbors, driving past, think "he's praying to those trees!". 
NC-1 Pawpaw Tree in Bloom.  5.1.19

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Pawpaw Buds. 4.17.19

Pawpaw NC1 Flower Bud.  4.17.19
 Gotta watch the pawpaw trees so I can pollinate them when the flowers are ready.  Not there yet but some flowers are beginning to open. 
Pawpaw Sunflower Flower Bud.  4/17/19

Sunday, June 03, 2018

Back on Track. Resuming GrowingGreener Blog! Pawpaw Progress Report. 6.2.18

 I think the hiatus is fully over now.  Live is back to what passes for normal.  I've been continuing to garden, but it's been difficult to keep the blog going.  I think that's done now, so here we are again.

For starters, last month I pollinated as many pawpaw flowers as I could.  NC-1 got pollen from Sunflower, and vice versa.  Of the dozens that I pollinated, there are maybe one dozen little pawpaw clusters growing.  I'm stoked - this is the largest they've gotten for me, ever.  Maybe this will be the year!

Some continue to fall off.  I have been watering these pawpaw trees once weekly, with 2 5-gallong buckets of water.  Maybe that will help them hold on to their fruits.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Pawpaw Progress Report. 4.28.16

Pawpaw flower.  4.28.16
Maybe this will be the year of the pawpaw.  The oldest three trees were planted in summer 2012.   Of those, two - "Sunflower" and "NC-1" have / had lots of flowers this year.  A one year old -  tree about 18 inchest tall, "Mango" also had all of 2 flowers, tiny tree size.  even though "Sunflower" was definitely ahead of "NC-1", there has been overlap of both pollen shedding and stamen receptivity for both.  Some of the "Sunflower" flowers were the first, so there was no "NC-1" pollen to pollinate them.  Even so, it looks like those set.  "Sunflower" is considered unusual in that it may be self fertile.

I continue to collect pollen when the anthers are shedding, and transfer to what I perceive to be receptive stigmas on the other tree.  I also transferred some to "Mango" although that one is way to small to think it will bear.
Pawpaw flower.  4.28.16
It looks like some of thepollination took, especially on these first flowers on "Sunflower".

I need to keep my excitement in check.  There are lots of things that can happen between now and Sept or Oct, when I expect these to ripen.  Still, if all of the flowers set fruit, they will need some thinning and good watering for the summer.

I have never tasted my own pawpaw, and have only tasted tiny bites at the Home Orchard Society fruit fair - probably not optimal.  Looking forward to tasting my own pawpaw fruits.
Early fruit formation, Pawpaw "Sunflower".  4.26.16
Early fruit formation, Pawpaw "Sunflower".  4.28.16

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Pawpaw in bloom. 4.21.16

NC-1 Pawpaw in bloom.  4.21.16
I've been using an artist's paint brush to transfer pollen between flowers of pawpaw varieties "NC-1" and "Sunflower".  Supposedly, "Sunflower" may be self fertile.  This tree bloomed first, and maybe some flowers did take.  The stigmas are receptive before the flower produces pollen, and once the anthers ripen and release pollen, the stigmas are not receptive.  So the timing for both the donor and recipient flowers is important.

The tiny "Mango" pawpaw tree- about 18 inches tall - has 2 flowers.  I pollinated one today.  I doubt that will produce fruit, but you never know.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

What's blooming? 4.11.16

Most of the apples are finishing blooming. The Prairie Fire Crabapple, now in 3rd leaf, is looking great. Most branches are above deer browsing height. This tree puts on a real show and appears problem free, so far. The earliest bearded irises are blooming. This means, blue colors and smaller size, in my collection. They look the best since planting 4 years ago. The house came with a gigantic lilac bush. It needed some renovation, cutting out old dead trunks and a little thinning. It has responded with a big show this year.

I started carefully collecting pollen from the one pawpaw flower at the pollen shedding stage, and transferring pollen to flowers that appear to be at a receptive stage.  The stigmas are receptive before pollen is shed, and when pollen is shed the stigmas are no longer receptive.  With down-facing flowers on small trees, it's tricky.  The variety "Sunflower" is clearly first, but has flowers at many stages.  I transferred pollen both to earlier stage "Sunflower" flowers, and to earlier stage "NC-1" flowers.
Flowers of "Prairie Fire" Crabapple.  4.11.16

Crabapple "Prairie Fire".  4.11.16

Giant old lilac bush.  4.11.16

Lilac Flowers.  4.11.16

Iris "Eleanor Rooseveldt".  4.11.16

Iris germanica  4.11.16
Pawpaw flower with pollen.  4.11.16

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Persimmon and Pawpaw Progress Report. 5.19.15

Flower Buds on Nikita's Gift Persimmon.  5.19.15

Last Remaining Flower on Sunflower Pawpaw.  5.19.15
All but one of the pawpaw flowers fell  off.  The one that remains is on Sunflower.  It takes a close look to see the developing ovary.  I don't know.  It might give a couple of pawpaws.  This one flower is the last chance for this year.

Saijo Persimmon had some flower buds but they fell off without opening.  Nikita's gift started growth much later, compared to Saijo, the growth is much thicker and stronger, and there are a few flower buds.  The tree is only about 3 feet tall.

Yates American Persimmon is also growing strong, and has some flower buds.  This is first leaf for that one.

Monday, May 04, 2015

Pollinating Pawpaw flowers. 5.4.15

3-year-old NC-1 Pawpaw.  5.4.15

3-year-old Sunflower Pawpaw.  5.4.15

NC-1 Pawpaw flower shedding pollen.  5.4.15

Collecting pawpaw pollen.  5.4.15
 Today I pollenated pawpaw flowers.  I've been watching closely for flowers at the pollen shedding stage. 

The NC-1 is the largest of the 3 pawpaw plants that I planted summer 2012.  My goal has been to transfer pollen from Sunflower, which is smaller, to NC-1 stigmas.  However, each has only a few flowers, and what I do depends on the stage of each flower.

As it happened, 2, of the NC-1 pawpaw flowers were shedding pollen today.  When the entire flower is a dark burgundy, that's when it starts to shed pollen.  When the flower is almost all dark burgundy, it is not shedding pollen yet.  That is when I'm hoping the stigmas are receptive

The pawpaw flower makes a lot of pollen.  Much more than most of my other fruits

I pollinated 2 flowers of Sunflower with pollen from NC-1.  I also pollinated a flower of NC-1 with pollen from a different NC-1 flower.   That is not considered an option, but maybe this tree has not read that book.  If the flowers on Sunflower start producing pollen when flowers on NC-1 appear receptive, I will transfer pollen in that direction. 
Pawpaw flower prior to shedding pollen.  5.4.15