Saturday, August 22, 2020

Yellow Jackets by the Beehive. 8.22.2020

 This is very worrisome for me.  I saw that some yellow jackets had taken to a fig, and wondered if there might be a problem by the beehive.  So I set out a yellow jacket trap.  Within an hour, there were three dozen yellow jackets in the trap.  So I set out three more traps.  Time will tell.

I don't know where their nest is.  I wondered in the past if yellow jackets had killed off a beehive or more than one.  I read that they can kill them off in a few hours, for food. 

I have ordered some insecticide that can be mixed with cat food and placed in an animal-proof cage.  The yellow jackets carry it to their nest.  That will take a week to arrive.  Meanwhile, the traps will have to do.

So far, no bees enter the traps.  Just yellow jackets.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Daniel, I read once that using an entrance feeder far from the house/garden will feed the yellow jackets, wasps, etc. and perhaps prevent them from bothering honeybee hives. I ordered one from Amazon a few years ago - the "Boardman Entrance Feeder" - but never got the chance to deploy it (health stuff still). We're in the hills SE of Sequim and have to spray for yellow jacket and/or wasp nests under the eaves every year. They're a nuisance whenever outdoors, especially when eating a meal on the deck. Even as I write this, the yellow jackets are battling the hummingbirds at the feeder for the simple syrup. Jack
