"Blatant" Bearded Irises, first growth. 3.29.19 |
Unlabeled Bearded Irises in Border. 3.24.19 |
The bearded irises are growing very nicely. Looking back through photos, they did better in the past than I gave them credit for, but when I was ill I could not care for them, so they became almost too weed-filled to clean up. Also in previous years I may have given them too much nitrogen, leading to soft rot and other diseases.
I'm cautiously optimistic, for that problem not a problem, or being much of one, this time. I have not used fertilizers with much nitrogen - some minimal osmokote or similar labeled 5:10:10. And during the winter, a light coating of the surrounding soil with wood ashes. The bearded irises in the border along the woods did not get ashes or any other fertilizer. That will gice some comparison.
Of the new ones, "Blatant" was planted last, late fall / early winter. I did not give it much of a chance, and doubt very much it will bloom this spring. Still, nice to see both rhizomes survived and they hive nice thick looking leaves starting to grow.
Unlabeled Bearded Irises in Border. 3.24.19 |
"Blatant" is classified as a reblooner, meaning some will bloom i summer or fall. They are reportedly much more vigorous than once-yearly bloomers. So I can anticipate good growth this year. Other rebloomers I bought, "My Friend Jonathan" and "His Royal Highness" are very vigorous in my garden, while "I'm Back" and "Again and Again" are showing good vigor. Those were planted a bit later than the others.
Anyway so fare I'm happy with almost all of them and their growth so far. I'm optimistic that a lot of the new ones, and maybe most of the better looking plants of the "rescues" will bloom in May.
Main Bearded Iris Bed. 3.24.15 |
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