Sunday, December 28, 2014

Puttering. Training Young Fruit Trees. 12.29.14

Peach Variety Q-1-8 undergoing training.
 I puttered around a little and tied branches of young trees in the directions I went them to mature.  The other choices are, leave them alone, or prune off branches that grow in the wrong directions.

These were all growing together in a bunch.  I tied them to the deer fencing, bending branches to make a vase-shaped tree.  After one year, they can be untied.

I did the same for other trees, peaches, persimmons, pears, plums.  I did the same for apples, too.

It doesn't look like much.  The good training will make a big difference in a few years.


  1. First frost is suppose to be tomorrow and "spare the air" forbids any wood burning activity. Very cold and best time to tidy things up. I did the same with the trees. I prop up a main trunk that bend with the weight of the apples. Now its all straight again for next yr.
    Still eating sun choke sick of them now. First time to taste the radicchio castelfranco from Baker Creek catalog, wow so mild and delicious. According to specialty chef produce importer, the crop is flew from Verona to SF, CA for the Italian restaurants. I have of course never seen it for sale at any public market. No pest, not one snail bite, and love winter weather.

  2. Lance, that castelfranco is beautiful! It would be an excellent ornamental, regardless of taste. Really nice!'

    We don't have "spare the air" here. In town, we should. People seem to think they are in "Little house on the prairie" and ignore the fact they are in a congested neighborhood. Further out, people burn leaves. How polluting, and wasteful of a resource.

    My sunchokes were too small. I don't know why. Maybe next year.

    Have a happy new year!

  3. Next yr don't pee fertilize your sun chokes. Maybe imbalance in the soil cause low yield. They are a native specie to the Americas, they should do well with no care. The radiccio is making heads now because of the frost. Before that it was so big and taken up space. I use it where I would use lettuce in sandwich, salad. My lettuce is ruined by the storm and frost. radiccio is so delectable, not bitter, first time for me. Its tougher and no pest!

  4. I wondered if they have too much nitrogen. Well, there is always next year.

    Sorry about your lettuce. New season will come before you know it.
