Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Crinodonna. Anigozanthos

This Anigozanthos did well this year, blooming most of the summer, and proved to be tolerant of sporadic watering. The yellow variety (not pictured) has green leaves but didn't produce a single flower this summer. Does that mean it will be a winter bloomer?

Having seen these outside in Las Vegas, I suspect that they just aren't Pacific Northwest material, but will continue to try.
Posted by PicasaThis Crinodonna has bloomed reliably in this location for 4 summers in a row. This is the first year for a pair of flower stems. The photo does not catch the subtle apricot hue of the blossom. It's quite striking.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Charlie "Sit!"

Not much of a plot but it captures some of Charlie's 'spirit'.

Doggie Video Test

Sunday, September 16, 2007

White Marseilles FIg

This is "White Marseilles" = Lattarulla = Lemon fig. It's been growing in a container for 3 years. This summer it "almost" had a fig but that fell off, so I've never tasted one from this tree.

It wasnt happy in the container, drying out too fast. The leaves are pale and look ready to fall off now, ahead of the other in-ground fig trees.

This location is the former home of a raspberry that got out of hand, the berries were small. I like the Fallgold better - bigger, sweeter, and smaller plant. So, I dug out the raspberry, and planted this tree into the ground. Added crushed eggshells for calcium, and covered the soil with a leaf compost mulch.

I lso planted 30 bulbs of a small narcissus around the edges, for Spring color.
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Bathroom Project

Posted by PicasaAnother step closer. Hired a plumber to finish the fixtures. First he spent a lot of time saying that the plumber who roughed in the pipes did it all wrong. Then he said that the new Toto water saving toilet could not be installed on the original drain pipe and that the tile coult not be drilled. So I did it yesterday, he was wrong on both counts and now we have a new water saving toilet. Then he only managed to get the sink 1/2 done, so I wound up finishing that. Apparently the original plumber installed the wrong pipe for the bath tub spout - a part will be sent in the mail to replace that, and I hope that it will work.
Still major progress in the right direction, with a working sink and toilet, ,and a tub that is 'almost there'.
Now to spackle over the cement board above the tub, then prime and paint.


I'm a BAD BOY.

All summer long, I've been watching this brugmansia limp along, anemic and rarely blooming, with yellowish leaves and not much growth. Finally, I gave in and gave it s little miracle grow (gasp!). It's responded in a big way, with the most flowers ever, the leaves are bright green, and it's put out some new growth.

OK, ONE plant got some miracle grow. Obviously, it was missing something - I did use Whitney's organic fertilizer when repotting it, and had given it some doses of fish emulsion, without much benefit.

Here's how I look at it. If someone cant absorb vitamin B12, we give them injections. If they have an infection ,we give an antibiotic. If they have cancer, we givce chemotherapy. That doesnt mean that living a healthy lifestyle with good balanced diet and daily exercise isn't the best for almost anyone, it's just that sometimes there is a situation where something 'extra' may be needed.

At least, that's how I justify it. Next year I'll give it a good dose of chicken poop compost, and see if that does the job.

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Angels Rest

Yesterday we went to Angel's Rest in the Columbia River Gorge. Beautiful view, nice hike. I forgot to put the memory chip in the good camera, so these are a bit blurry. Ning and the dogs.
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Saturday, September 15, 2007

Early Fall Main Crop Figs

Hardy Chicago - this is a less-than-2 year old tree (started from cujtting early 06), so it's proven to be quick to produce its first figs. They are in the "OK" category - nothing to write home about, but much better than no figs at all. Maybe they'll get better (bigger, sweeter, juicier) as the tree matures?
Posted by Picasa"Vancouver" - probably Brunswick, grown noriginally form a cutting. This is still the biggest, sweetest, juiciest fig in my yard, and they are starting to swell and droop. I can hardly wait.a

Grapes in Cherry Tree

What's that up in the cherry tree? Grapes! I'm not sure of the variety, possible Niagra. I suggest Niagra as the variety because it is the most popular seeded green grape variety sold in stores, although I bought the original plant at a Farmer's Marker in Vancouver 4 or 5 years ago.
They are very juicy and sweet, but given their locaton 20 or 30 feet off the gound, it takes a ladder to harvest them. The plan was to have them grow along a fence UNDER the tree, but this vine has aspirations of its own.
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Fall Blossoms

This is my favorite lily, I almost missed it. This is a species lily, so not as flashy, and the fragrance is strong and sweet but not as overwhelming as some hybrids. Doing well wtihout much water - but may not be as ready for next because of my neglect this year.
The rose is "Happy Child", getting by and occasionally blooming. It took about 4 years from cutting stage to really perform.Posted by Picasa