Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Blooming Roses. Cutting Rose Shows Its Color. 14 May 24.

 This climbing rose was grown from a "stick cutting", started three or four years ago.  Two years ago, it had  a set-back when I dug it up and moved it to its current spot.  It lost most of its roots in the process.  Now it's too tall for me to reach the top.  There were a couple of meager flowers last year.  Now or's covered with buds, and is among the first two blooming (Miniroses, kept growing all winter, are different of course).

Something tells me this is "Climbing Nr. Lincoln" but I'm not certain.

This rose is in its second Spring in my hands.  I planted it as a bare root, mail order, last year.  The variety is "Tropical Lightening".

I think there was more yellow / orange last year, in the variegated areas.  It's also covered with buds.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Reviving Overwintered Brugmansia. 11 May 24.

 I overwintered the Brugmansia in the garage with no watering at all.  Last month it bloomed, despite having no leaves.

I got it out and lightly pruned the top stems.  There are many growth buds.

I have watered it several times, to rehydrate the soil.  I don't want it to grow much larger, so I'm not sure about fertilizing.  It probably needs a larger container.

Planting The Chili Peppers. 11 May 24.

 Given a day in the 90s and another in the high 80s, I'm motivated to get everything into the garden.  I had the peppers containers mostly ready, so it went pretty quickly.

I added home made bone meal and coffee grounds to the soil before planting.  The drip irrigation system is flowing all of the way through.  I might change the one high flow emitter to slow flow to match the other flow rates.

I also planted the two pots of cilantro with two groups of pepper plants.  I want to space out the cilantro this year.

When I feel good about the drip systems, I'll add a crunchy leaf mulch to all of the plants.  They also get slug bait.

Last year, most of these had three plants per container.  This year I'm planting two.  I think they will benefit from the space, especially since I think these hybrid plants will be more vigorous.

Up-Potting Red Mini Rose. 11 May 24.

 Similar to the yellow rose, I potted the red grocery store mini roses into a group pot (in both cases, I also kept a plant of each in larger decorative glazed pots).  

The red one is smaller.  I had kept it in bloom longer, and repotted on good potting soil much later - maybe a month?  They are doing fine but, again, the heat will be a big challenge to keep with.

I don't have a glazed ceramic container of the right size, so this will have to do for now.  I don't know if this one will grow as large as the yellow one, yet.

In this case, there are three plants in the container.

I tentatively identified this rose as Daniela but like the issue with SunMaid, I can't know for certain.

I am interested in seeing how these roses respond to the care I give them.  So far, they seem to be thriving.  

Up-Potting Mini Roses in a Group Container. 11 May 24

 With temperatures heading above 90 (Early May!), the small containers will dry out quickly and be harder to keep up with.  Also, the plants are big enough now, that they are top heavy.   I don't need so many individual plants.  So I opted to plant them in a large group pot.

This is the after photo.

I sat the potted rose plants in the partially filled container, to evaluate the fit.

The rose plants are very healthy, with healthy roots. The plants were not root bound yet.

I think they will do well in the group container.  There is a lot of root-room.  

I'm still not 100% certain of my identification of this rose as SunMaid Kordana.  There is no way to know for certain.   For example, Golden Aloha Kordana and Sunstar Kordana look similar, to my eyes.  Also, growing method, age of bloom, lighting wavelengths and intensity, affect the bloom.  I guess it doesn't matter, since I won't be propagating or selling any.  It is just for my own enjoyment.