Saturday, May 11, 2024

Planting The Chili Peppers. 11 May 24.

 Given a day in the 90s and another in the high 80s, I'm motivated to get everything into the garden.  I had the peppers containers mostly ready, so it went pretty quickly.

I added home made bone meal and coffee grounds to the soil before planting.  The drip irrigation system is flowing all of the way through.  I might change the one high flow emitter to slow flow to match the other flow rates.

I also planted the two pots of cilantro with two groups of pepper plants.  I want to space out the cilantro this year.

When I feel good about the drip systems, I'll add a crunchy leaf mulch to all of the plants.  They also get slug bait.

Last year, most of these had three plants per container.  This year I'm planting two.  I think they will benefit from the space, especially since I think these hybrid plants will be more vigorous.

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