Monday, September 18, 2023

Tropical Shirt Quilt. Squares Are Ready. 18 Sept 2023.

 This went pretty fast.  All of squares are completed, each consisting of two rectangles.  Since this was different from my original plan, each square needed just a bit of trimming in order to have true squares.  That gave me a chance to even up some irregular edges, so it was a good thing.

I'm using my trusty pre-digital, 1990s (I think) Kenmore sewing machine.  I enjoy sewing in this machine, more than any other.

I printed out a photo of the lay-out, to help me assemble the squares.

Fig Harvest. 18 Sept 2023.

 There were a few ripening figs on the Hardy Chicago Fig tree.

I sliced them into halves, and put them in the dehydrator to dry.

Some New Bearded Irises For A Container. 18 Sept 2023.

 These are rhizomes that I bought via mail order.

The varieties are "Seward", "Frimousse",  "Twist of Sheree", and "Lemon Cloud".  The rhizomes are healthy looking, but I imagine that 2024 will just be a year of growth, preparing to bloom in 2025.  Who knows what will happen by then?  It's a bit on an act of faith, planting them.

Depending on how well they grow, they will probably need more room in two years.  Wait and see.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Transferring Seed-Grown Echinacea "Cherokee Spirit" to Container. 16 Sept 2023.

 This is one of the Echinacea "Cherokee Spirit" that I grew from seeds late last winter.  It's interesting, the plants grown from seeds that I did not stratify, are blooming earlier than the ones I did stratify.

I liked the color of this one the best so far, so I dug it up and transferred to a container with potting soil.  Before planting, I washed off most of the garden soil.

It was a little stressed.  I knew I was taking a taking a chance, possibly killing the plant.  The daytime temperature high has been in the mid to high eighties, although nights drop into the sixties.  But so far, just minimal wilting and that perks up in the evening.  I'm keeping the plant in the cool shade on the north side of the house, so far.  I also pruned off the oldest flower.

Tropical Shirt Quilt. 16 Sept 2023.

 I changed my idea about the layout for this quilt, and changed a couple of fabrics.  Now, this is the layout.

The top row is a bit off, which I will correct when sewing together.  Also, with this layout, I need to piece together blocks from two fabrics, in order to have enough.   I think they are busy enough, it won't show.  

This quilt is eight shirts for the top, and will be one more for the binding.   The blocks are all 5" by 10".

My original idea was a brick pattern, similar to this -

I think the new arrangement looks much better.  The blocks are the same, except no 5 inch square pieces for the ends.  With the new arrangement, the blocks will lose 1/2 inch due to paired 1/4 inch seam allowances on the other end, I think.  That's a decrease of two inches in total length and width, I think, which is OK.