Thursday, December 19, 2024

Micro-mini Roses, Year Two. 19 Dec 24.

 Here are two of the micro-mini roses that I was playing with last year.  

I want to keep them very compact, so they will fit in the indoor shelves garden.  Also, I kept them outside for the summer.  They had problems with spider mites and aphids.  I sprayed with a neem spray, which caused the leaves to look bad.  Finally, I gave a dose of systemic houseplant insecticide - which I don't like using- and cut the stems very short.  Basically leaving only the lowest viable looking buds on each stem.  I gave the remaining stems a spray of neem oil.

Here they are a few weeks later, putting on new growth.

I think they'll do OK.  I saw a tiny amount of webbing on one stem, so sprayed again with neem oil. 

These are the "button flower" type.  The type that look like mini tea roses seem to grow bigger.  The yellow one grew too big and had leaf spot, so I discarded it.

This is the other one.  It had spider mites too.  I just gave it the same treatment as I previously did for the others.

I thought about discarding it, but decided to give it a try too.

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