Saturday, June 12, 2021
Carnivorous Plant Update. 6.12.2021
Raspberry Update. 6.12.2021
Sweetcorn Update. 6.12.2021
There was a lot of rain for the past couple of days. Before that I set up a lawn sprinkler to water the sweetcorn seedlings. I set out shallow plastric trays to measure, for an inch of artificial rain per watering, or just measure real rain. Today I fertilized and cultivated. The fertilizer was lawn nitrogen fertilizer, a couple of tablespoons per row. It's not organic but I have to compromise right now. This soil does not need mineral mix or organic matter in most organic feeds. Fish emulsion or Milorganite would work as well, but I don't want to buy anything right now. I fertilized the plantings that are a bit over a month old, not the just-germinated rows.
Back bed (larger plants) is Trinity, planted in early May. Front is the variety that I planted a week or so ago.