This year, with the COVID pandemic appearing to be waning in the USA, I have been updating this blog more often than before. This blog is really a garden diary combined with home research journal combined with notes for future years. Also, a few things here and there about other projects. It's a challenge to find reliable information on line. Much of on line reporting is driven by profit and marketing. That's understandable, but it makes it a challenge to know what to believe and what is just hype. There is a lot of hype out there.
My garden experiences should be helpful in similar climates, local or far away. Even so, every garden has its own character, its own soil, climate, history, experiences. I hope that the information posted here is helpful.
I don't have promotional links. I don't advertise companies or products. I'm not marketing anything. My goal is to share experiences and knowledge. I do have a philosophy, which is oriented more toward do-it-yourself, reduce/reuse/repurpose, creativity, learning, and enjoying the process.
I do sometimes link to the place where I bought items, or obtained information, to give credit where credit is due. I do not receive anything financial or kick back for those links. They are solely informational.
I sometimes look for illustrations that are helpful. Whenever possible, those are very old - long past copyright expiration, or are public domain. I don't knowingly post any copyrighted material. If informed that something is copyrighted, I will remove it.
That's all I can think of at the moment. I hope you enjoy and learn some useful or interesting things from my little blog.