Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Kitchen Garden. 8.10.16

Harvested the test of the Bartlet-type pears.  A few were fully ripe.  The rest went into the fridge for controlled ripening.

There were some extra second mini-ears on the Trinity corn.  These were small but still just as good.    Second sweet corn  batch ripening now.  Picked the first of those today.

Some more fresh food from the garden.  I want to make tamales with the red bell peppers.  The beefsteak tomato is the first of those this year.

Hamese Asian pears.  These are the first of my Asian pears to ripen.  Fresh and juicy.

Summerred apple.  There were 3 of these, a summer apple.  Quite delicious, spicy flavor - sort of like cardamon, I think.

Summerred apple, beautiful white flesh, with some of the red color of tne skin soaking into the white flesh.  Pretty as well as tasty.

Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Final Seeds to plant in summer for Fall Kitchen Garden. 8.2.16

More seeds to plant now for fall kitchen garden.  8.2.16
This idea of planting is summer for a fall crop is foreign to me, but the state ag station says we can do it with some crops.  It might be a little too late for some and a little too early for others, but all we can do is try.

Today I stopped by a local nursery to see if there were seeds for Chinese cabbage, and also bought seeds for red carrots - should look nice in zucchini bread, Daikon, and Bok Choy.

With the storage onions and all of the potatoes now dug up, there is a garden patch with room for all of these and then some.  I also planted a few more Chinese radishes, Salad radishes, bunching onions, rudbeckia, and echinacea.  Herbivore control might be an issue - not a sheltered bed - but maybe I can get in a low fence soon. 

My Pear Ripening Experiment. 7.28.16

Mixed Pear Varieties Off the Tree.  7.28.16
This year I had the mental where-with-all to see if I can pick pears at the ripe time.

European pears are easy to grow but I find it difficult to judge when to ripen them.  If picked too soon, they are hard, sour, and flavorless.  If picked too late, they rot from the inside out.

The reason is that European pear ripening is a multi-step process.  Left on the tree, they ripen from the inside out.

I've researched multiple websites.  They are not all in agreement regarding the proper timing of picking, and the follow up process, but there are similarities and some trends.

According to Oregon State University Extension Service, a pear is ready to pick when  they" detach when "tilted" to a horizontal position from their usual vertical hanging position."  Following picking, pears should be refrigerated.  The authors note, "Bartlett pears need to be cooled only for a day or two, and winter pears such as Anjou, Bosc and Comice require 2 to 6 weeks for optimal effect"  So you need to know what variety you have, in order to choose chilling time.  However, it might be OK to ripen Barlets for 2 to 6 weeks if the variety is not known.   After the chill period is completed,  pears should be ripened "at 65 to 75 degrees F for the following times: Bartlett, 4 to 5 days, Bosc and Comice, 5 to 7 days; and Anjou, 7 to 10 days. The longer the time the pears have spent in cold storage, the shorter the time to ripen them".

Ethylene gas is involved in the ripening process.  Bananas and apples produce ethylene gas, so to speed ripening, place the pear into a paper bag with a ripe banana or apple.  I did that with persimmons, to good effect.  Stark Brothers recommends using a banana or apple to ripen a pear.

Colorado gives other ideas about when pears are ready to pick.  "disregard the red blush on varieties that develop it such as D’Anjou.... The ground color of the pear skin will change to more closely resemble the mature pear of that variety. With Bartlett and D’Anjou and other yellow pear varieties, skin becomes a lighter green."

University of Georgia comments that the lenticels of unready pears are white, but when they are ready to pick they become brown.  The link states, "One measure of maturity are the fruit lenticels. These are the small “dots” or indentations on the fruit’s skin. Lenticels of immature pears are white; however, as cork cells develop the lenticels become brown and shallow. The brown in the lenticels is a good indication that the fruit is ready to be picked and will ripen without shriveling. Color between the lenticels also becomes lighter green than at the lenticels."

I will see if I get it right this year.  I am picking pears if they fall off when moved to horizontal position.  A lot of them are doing that now.  Then they go into the fridge for 2 to 4 weeks, then ripen on counter or in a paper bag with apple or banana.  We'll see what happens.

Kitchen Garden Harvest. Something to do with Collard Greens. 8.2Some of the in.16

Kitchen Garden Harvest.  8.2.16
 Kitchen Garden is making me happy.  Collards, Zucchinis, Eggs, Onions, Sungold Tomatoes, Toka Plums (a few), Trinity Sweet Corn, Lattarula Figs.  I cant ask for bettter.  Much of my food, 3 meals a day, comes from the summer kitchen garden.

I also dug up about 40 pounds of Idaho Russet Potatoes.  They should last 2 or 3 months, I imagine.  Most are not the huge size or odd shapes in the photo.
A few of the Idaho Russet Potatoes.  8.2.16

Collard Green Ribbons, Stir Fried with Onion and Topped with Egg.  8.3.16
Sometimes I grow things, then I don't know what I will do with them.  This collard green dish was from mempory of a spinach recipe I ate somewhere.  Very easy.

Cut out the midrib of the big collard green leaf.

Roll up the leaf, then use serrated knife to cut into strips around 1/4 inch wide, sort of like green leafy fettucini.

Combine with 1/4 medium chopped onion and stir fry in olive oil until tender and the onions are slightly brown. 

Mix in some soy sauce.

Fry egg in the hot skillet sunny side up.  I like to add some water and put on lid, to steam the top of the egg.

Then dust with pepper and add Sriracha sauce.

This was very good.  I have lots of collards now, so will need this and other ways to prepare them.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Walking Around. 7.31.16

Bean Raised Bed and Trellis.  7.31.16

First New Bean Pod.  7.31.16
 Random notes.

Beans are looking good.  It looks like there will be a bumper crop of these Chinese pod beans, that were recovered from old seed packets.

Encouraged by presence of several okra flowers, and the okra plants do look vigorous and sturdy. 

Morning Glories blooming.  Seeds from plants that I grew last year from seeds.

The Lattarula that I started from cutting in 2014, planted at Battleground in 2015, now bearing it's first figs.  Nice crop from this tried and true variety.

Maxie pears looking OK.  Similar size to most other Asian pears, including Shinseiki which is a distant cousin.

Turnips, Kohlrabis, Broccoli, Radishes, Chinese Radishes, Carrots, Lettuce, Cilantro seeds have all germinated and growing.  They continued to need water once or twice daily.
Okra Flower.  7.31.16

 Yesterday I finished clearing out the second Fava bean bed, saved the seeds on the remaining plants, and turned the soil.  I soaked the dry soil overnight, hoed and evened the soil, and planted seeds for more turnips,  Chinese cabbage - old seeds, mixed together two packets - Parisian Market carrots, and more radishes.
Volunteer Morning Glories.  7.31.16

Maxie Hybriud Pears.  7.31.16

First Figs from this cutting-grown Lattarula Fig Tree.  7.31.16

Turnip, Kohlrabi, and Radish Seedlings.  7.31.16