Sunday, September 29, 2024

I brought the fragrant herb cuttings indoors. 29 Sept 24.

 I brought in the herbal perrennial cuttings.  Sage, lavender, rosemary.

It's interesting.  Most are not growing roots through the bottom holes yet, but they aren't wilting either.  So maybe they have baby roots?

Technically not a cutting.  This woody lavender stem broke off from the other that I dug out.  So I planted it.  The buds are emerging from the old wood.  I think they need to grow indoors over the winter.

I started the cuttings in August.  One pelargonium (geranium) cutting died.  This one took, growing roots through the bottom holes.

I tried starting rosemary from cuttings in water.  The didn't seem to take.  So I cut off the bottoms for clean cuts, scraped a little bark from the side, dipped in rooting hormone.  This one has roots emergi g from the bottom

So thats a couple of "free plants" for next Spring.  If you consider my effort is free and the tiny amount of rooting hormone is too low cost to measure.

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