Sunday, March 26, 2023

Overwintering Pepper Plants. 3.26.23

 Here are the three best looking ones.



The biggest challenge now is aphids.  Unfortunately, the sprays are toxic to new growth.  That may have killed this Cayenne pepper plant.   It might still survive, I don't know.

This Serrano is even sadder.

As is this Thai pepper.

The only thing that seems safe for the plants, for removing aphids, is water spray.  I did add foliar-feeding strength fertilizer to the spray, 1/8 tsp per quart.  That doesn't seem to hurt the plants and might givevthem a boost, I don't know.  It also seems OK for seedlings.   I'll continue trying.


  1. I did not know that the spray was killing my plants and not only the aphids. So that has been my problem. Thanks. Sometimes I feel so dumb when it comes to knowing gardening!

    1. Anonymous5:47 PM

      That was an unexpected and unhappy finding. Now I'm just spraying - twice a day - with very dilute foliar feeding. It takes effort but so far, so good.
