Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Butterflies love Buddleia

 Buddleia X "Blueberry Cobbler"

Buddleia X "Blueberry Cobbler"

Buddleia sterile hybrid "Blueberry Cobbler" just beginning to bloom.  The flowers are uch larger compared to "Miss Molly" and "Miss Ruby" with the difference that those 2 varieties were bough in bud this Spring, while the Blueberry Cobbler was bought during the winter, with the blossoms on new growth.  I've seen a few bumblebees on these Buddleia but no honeybees, yet.

First fig. More mulberries.

First fig of the year.  Lattarula.
 For some reason I've been sick the past couple of days.  Something to cheer me up - the first ripe fig of the season.  Like last year, Lattarula was first.  Big, heavy, sweet.
Lattarula. Juicy and sweet.
 Someone feels the need to be in the picture.  Always nearby.  This fig was eaten within a minute.
More mulberries.  "Illinois Everbearing".

 Yesterday, from the Battleground place.  Every few days, a handful of mulberries.  Flavor as appealing as figs.  Very tasty.

The first fig last year was July 28th.  Se we are about 10 days ahead.  Sweet.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Hazelnut trees. Nine months later.

Hazelnut volunteer
 These are the Hazezlnut trees I moved last fall.  The 2 named varieties, larger trees, didn't grow much.  Ennis has a fair number of ripening hazelnuts.  Butler has one or two   The volunteer hazelnut tree grew like gangbusters, sturdy and fast.  It's over 6 foot tall.
Ripening Hazelnuts

Hazelnuts.  Butler and Ennis.

Carini Fig. Planted in-ground.

Carini fig
This is one of the Carini fig trees.   I started them from cuttings this winter.  I planted it in-ground today.  Most of the cuttings will remain in containers until Fall or Spring.  This start is knee-high.  I planted in the native soil, mulched with an ince of home made compost, then mulched with home made grass straw.    Watered deeply.

Since this grew nicely, but the growth looks like it will harden off before Winter, I think it's OK to plant it in ground.   This location is South of the house.  Full sun. There is room for a row of about 6 fig trees.  So far the row has a Sal's, Petite negri, and 2 other starts.  I plan to move those starts out, and replace with a Smith, Atreano, and Champagne.  Plan subject to change as seasons pass.

Novel Fig Morpholigies. Hardy Chicago.

 The Hardy Chicago has a number of oddly shaped figs this year.  Here are a few I found.  Probably no effect on taste, so I'll leave them on the tree to ripen.