Sunday, May 30, 2021

Squash Update. 5.30.2021

 Most of the squashes are looking pretty good.  There are some leaf irregularities on some.  I wonder if that is slug damage, so put out slug bait.  The plants in one of the Galeux d'Eysines  hills seem to have yellowish, pale leaves.  I don't know why.  Too much rain last week?  The others look OK.

Top to bottom, Galeux, Pink Banana, Red Kuri, Fordham Zucchini. 

Garlic Scapes. 5.30.2021

 Most of the garlic is producing scapes now.  These are the "flower" heads.  I put "flower" in quotes because they don't actually bloom.  Instead, they make clusters of tiny bulbs instead of an actual flower.  I think these rob the bulb of some nutrition, and the cloves will be smaller as a result.  So I cut the scapes almost as soon as they appear.

These are actually quite tasty, stir fried.  I think they would also be good in a soup.  They need thorough cooking for best tenderness, then they are a bit like a bean in texture but with mild garlic flavor.

Drunkards Path Blocks For Quilted Pillow Shams. 5.30.2021

 I decided to use up most of the rest of the shirt scraps, making quilt blocks quilted  pillow shams.   The colors will match the brick pattern quilt, but the look will be different.

So I practiced sewing drunkards path blocks.  I think these are a misnomer when used as circles.  Quarter Moon blocks might be a better name.  But what do I know.

These are handy.  They use up all sorts of small and odd pieces.  This completely uses up some of the shirts.  I added another shade of blue that is not in the  brick pattern quilt, because I wanted the flexibility of another pattern and shade.

These get sewn together so that the quarter moon pie slice is sewn to the piece that holds it, making a square again. Then the squares are sewn together however you like. The hard part isxsewing the curve - it's actually three dimensional that flattens to two dimensionsl, and needs stretching exactly right for the curves tomma to match. I can't say I'm good at it, but I'm learning. Here are four completed squares, which when sewn together will be a circle in a square:
This is something like how I'll arrange them. I'm still moving them around a little:

Friday, May 28, 2021

Some Irises, 5.28.2021

 These are Bumble Delite, Gay Parasol,  Edith Woolford, top to bottom.  I'm very happy with how well they did with the mulch.

Itoh Peony 5.28.2021

 These are amazing.  They are like the peony version of dinner plate dahlias.  The variety is Bartzella.  Third year - I think much more vigorous than "regular" peonies.