I'm growing a forsythia hedge along the fence. On the other side is a gravel road built on an easement. Since that was done, there is an unwanted view of ugly property as well as loss of property on my side. I thought about buying Leyland Cypress, but they are evergreen, so I have concerns about flammability. Plus Leyland Cypress grow so huge, which I'd rather not. There are other choices, but Forsythia is fast growing, grows a thick hedge, pretty flowers in Spring. Starting from cuttings and small bushes is a bit slower but better than nothing and cheap.
To plant the hedge, I probably need about 10 or so. On the sides of the gate, I also planted lilac starts. I found two small Forsythias two weeks ago at Tsugawa, $11 each. I have trimmings in water to start. Low effort, not sure they will grow and I doubt it. I can try some cuttings with rooting hormone as well. Finally, I have two starts that I started to air layer on the original bush, yesterday. This will probably root. I left another stem for the same purpose to try today.
Meanwhile, while trimming the original Forsythia, I noticed this small bush growing next to the larger one. Doubtless, it was a pruning that was dropped and took root. I dug it up and planted in the hedge space. Given how dry and hard the soil where it was, and the thick grass, now it's in a lot better condition and should take off and grow nicely.