Last night I planted squash family plant seeds. Zucchinis, winter squash, and pumpkins. I finally learned to write the year seeds were bought, on the front of the seed packet. These are largely known good performers - Pink Banana Squash, Red Kuri Squash, Galeus d'Eysines Pumpkin (Squash), plus last year the Illinois Squash was good. Not sure about the variety Gete-Okosomin,, Nativbe American variety which has a. probably false, legend of the seeds having been found in a clay ball in an 800 year old archeological site. The Zucchinis are heirloom types, so I can save the seeds. The one exception is "Sure Thing" hybrid which I bought last year and didn't plant.
This year the plan is to cover flowers to avoid insect pollination, and hand pollinate so that each variety is "pure" so that I can save my own seeds.