Tuesday, October 16, 2018

First Taste of Maraval hybrid (European X Japanese) Chestnut. 10.16.18

 There was one other burr on the fledgling chestnut tree.  This notified me of its ripeness, by falling off.

Those needles really are sharp like needles!

So with a grand yield of 4 chestnuts, we made an X cut in the flat sides, roasted them at 400 degrees for 15 minutes, and ate them.

With peaches, plums, apples, and cherries, I look at the first year of bearing as just enough for a taste, and I'm happy with that.  The next year, most of my fruit trees have made about five to ten times what they did the first year.
If that's the case with these chestnuts, that will be a nice crop next year.  If not, then I'm happy these trees are growing to become nice shade trees

Monday, October 15, 2018

Carnivorous Plant Update. 10.15.18

These are the carnivorous plants that I posted on this Spring.  They were looking much better in June, pictured here.  I think that means they are soon going into dormancy.  Since they grew quite a lot this year, I think some of them will bloom next year.

This is my first time growing them, so it's hard to know what to expect.  . 
Sarracenia purpurea (NoID).  10.15.18
Several have sword-shaped leaves lacking pitchers, called "phyllodia."  Those leaves are able to provide nutrition during the winter, when insects are not available.
Sarracenia oreophyla.  10.15.18

Sarracenia flava X mitchelliana hybrid 10.15.18
I kept these in casserole dishes that I had bought at Goodwill.  They might look better in something else.  I will look around.  I generally tried to keep an inch of water in each dish.  On occasion, not many times, they evaporated dry.  However, the growth medium did not dry out.

In mid summer, I transplanted the two largest plants (S. oreophyla and S. "Extreme Green"), using sphagnum moss / perlite 50:50 as the growth medium.  I would have used peat moss, but could not find any that did not contain additives.  When I transplanted those, I added 5 pearls of Osmocote as fertilizer.  This is not original with me, but rather came from some web forums.  Regrettably, I did not write down the source.

Not pictured, the Venus Flytrap grew nicely.

The Drosera also grew nicely.  There were also volunteer Drosera in other plants.

Overall this is a fun experiment.  It's been about 6 months since I read the guidebook so I want to do that again now.  Like many orchids, these plants are not difficult to grow, but they do have their own particular needs and I am new to growing them.  The book is The Ultimate Carnivorous Plant Guide by Jacob Farin.
Sundew.  10.15.18

I may post more about these later.  This update is here because fall is coming fast, and I didn't want to miss this progress report.

It's possible that either the transplanting during hot summer, or the Osmocoat pellets, contributed to either some of the leaf burning, or production of  phyllodia, or both.

Edit 10.16.18:  I did read through the Carnivorous Plant Guide again.  IT takes a few times to absorb the information.  The drying leaves look typical for this time of year, so I'm not worried.  Repotting time will be in March.  I do think I should look for shallower trays, so the water level will be a little lower, especially for the smaller plants.

These are in a location that has full sun from late am through the rest of the day.  I don't think it's the 10 hours recommended.  Next year, I can move them to a different spot.  That will mean some risk for deer damage, but it's worth a try.  I can move a couple there, to see what happens, before going all out.

Sarracenia "Extreme Green" and a NoID Venus Flytrap ( Dionaea muscipula)

X-mas Cactus (Schlumbergera). 10.15.18

Last winter, I bought these two "Christmas Cactus" plants to cheer up my office.  I think they are more correctly called "Thanksgiving Cactus" or better yet, Schlumbergera.   They bloommed very nicely.  During the summer, and into the cooler nights, they were outside, on the East side of the house, with morning sun and afternoon and evening shade.  I watered them when I remembered.  This is not organic, but I gave them Miracle-Grow for green plants, at 1/4 label recommended strength, until fall, then switched to the Miracle-Grow "Bloom Booster" at 1/4 strength.  Now they are in my South Facing office window.  Lots of buds.  They might actually be in bloom at Thanksgiving.  Meanwhile, there is the joy of anticipation and the pride of growing something that will bloom nicely, soon.

There are also a couple of Schlumbergera that are much older and larger.  They are beginning to set flower buds, but not as much.

Edit:  I can remember reading various schemes about putting these in the dark for a month to get them to bloom.  That's just not true.  I've grown them for years, and just let the change of seasons do it's thing.  They always bloom, every year, without putting them into a dark closet.  Maybe that's the climate or lattitude?  I don't know, and I don't worry about it.

Rufus. 10.15.19

Music Garlic. 10.15.18

Music Garlic Cloves to Plant.  Planted 10.5.18
This is the photo that I meant to post previously.  This is the garlic variety "Music".  These were the biggest garlic cloves that I have ever seen.  According to what I've read, "Music" is among the most productive and best tasting.  That info, of course, is not specific to the Maritime Pacific Northwest or to my area, soil, microclimate.  So we will see.

I still have some saved garlic cloves to plant from this year's crop.  Four days ago I planted some (I think it was "German Red" - big, red skinned, pungent cloves) but did not have it labeled.  I developed a back strain digging the heavy soil this time, so need to wait until that is better before planting the saved "Inchelium Red".  I think I'm growing the "Inchelium Red" more for sentimental, than practical reasons now.  That "German Red" actually seems more productive, with larger cloves.