The carnations are growing nicely. These may be perennial in warmer or drier winters. I don't know about here. I think they would benefit from some warm, sunny weather.
Statice. During chillier weather the leaves were all red. The newer leaves are green. They need some warm, sunny weather to get growing.
African Marigold, I started these last week or so. These will be big and tall.
French Marigolds. These were from saved seeds. I don't know why germination was so sparse. I just now sowed a second tray with a different batch of saved seeds.
Salpiglossis. I have never grown them before and don't know what to expect. The seed packet flowers were very nice.
Thunbergia. I wonder if I should have started them a month ago. They are African plants, and I waited hoping for warmer conditions. Germination was described in some websites as difficult. I think about 1/3 of these germinated. Also called "Black Eyed Susan Vine".
The sweet peas don't look like much yet. I don't know if they will come out of it.
Yesterday and today I sowed cosmos, zinnias, various marigolds, cleome, outside.
Cosmos I sowed in containers. Germination wasn't great, might be old seeds. The ones I sowed outside are home saved from last year, a d sometimes they come up volunteer, so there might be more of those.
Ditto for cleome. I don't want a lot, but re-sowed seeds in the cells with no growth so far.
Four O'Clocks, not pictured. I'll have to do that later. They are growing by leaps and bounds.