Red Norland and Yukon Gold Potatoes. 7.24.17 |
Lots of productivity in the Kitchen garden, and starting to get fruit from the home orchard.
I had not watered the Methley plum tree, so the plums are smaller, sweeter, and more flavorful. Almost like moist candy. This tree is about 6 years old. When we bought the Battleground place, I moved it from the old yard, at about 1 year old at the time. This is the first year with more than a couple of fruits.
Methley Plums. 7.24.17 |
Illinois Everbearing Mulberry. 7.24.17 |
Illinois Everbearing Mulberries. 7.24.17 |
Red German Garlic. 7.24.17 |
The potato crop is about half dug now. The Yukon Gold is great for hash browns, every day for breakfast. The Red Norland makes the best potato salad. The Russets are not at harvesting stage yet, which is good. Too many to dig all at once.
I thought birds would get all of the mulberries this year, but yesterday the tree was loaded. We picked a big bowl of them.
I did not nurture the garlic as well this year. Less water and less fertilizer. The bulbs of most of the plants are smaller, but the Red German turned out nice.
Summer squashes coming on line now. Some great fritters!
Zucchinis and Summer Squashes. 7.24.17 |