Turnip. 10.18.16 |
Root Crops. Chinese Radishes, Daikon, Turnips. 10.18.16 |
It's been raining every day, and heavily, so I have not been out in the kitchen garden as much. Today was a reprive.
The July-planted turnips are great, as is the Daikon and a few of the Chinese radishes. Many of the radishes have exploded, I imagine from the rains. Still, this is a lesson that there are some that can be planted successfully from seeds, in July. The broccoli and kohlrabi don't look like much, so I'm leaving those in place. Ditto for carrots, more an issue of deer eating the tops, than because they didn't grow.
The red-centered Chinese radishes have a mild crispy flavor, nice raw. Daikon is similar, a bit more peppery, and very good shredded and eaten raw as a slaw, or as a dumpling filling.
Lettuce did very well. I don't know why deer and rabbits didn't eat it.
The scallions that I rescued mid summer, staged a come back and we have been eating them.
Red-centered Chinese Radish. 10.18.16 |
Now we are getting a lot more peppers than we can eat. I planted them too early. The raised beds with low fencing was perfect, no herbivore predation and yield is amazing.
Still harvesting corn from seeds that were planted in June. This variety is "Bodaceous". The ear is more full than it looks, I didn't pull the husk back far enough. Bodaceous is a high-yielding, really good "corn-tasting" sweet corn, unlike Mirai which was watery and sugary and no much corn flavor.
Leaf Lettuce Mix. 10.18.16 |
Scallions. 10.18.16 |
Peppers. 10.18.16 |
"Bodaceous" Sweet Corn. 10.18.16 |